Why We Should Fire Congress


The primary purpose for writing this book is to outline some procedures for the American people to initiate and follow through on to successful conclusions,--the ways and means to improve life in the United States of America for American citizens.

For over twenty five years I have been collecting editorials and articles, mostly from newspapers, that covered a variety of subjects. I have sorted these into general subjects and have designated a chapter to each subject. My original title for this book was "Hello Stupid Americans" but my late wife Irma Mae talked me out of it--nobody would buy a book that called them stupid. After much discussion, I settled for "WHY WE SHOULD FIRE CONGRESS " for the title.

To substantiate my thoughts, I read the Constitution of the United States (source-Encyclopedia Britannica-Vol 3 Micropedia-Ready Reference 15th Edition--pages 568-575) It is quite a document and I fully appreciate the time and effort put forth by the 55 delegates who met in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787. They labored without the modern conveniences of travel and office equipment that is readily available today. They also had the foresight to write a document that would be applicable in the future.

The framers of the constitution separated our Government into the legislative, executive and judicial branches. Article I vests all the legislative powers in the Congress- the House of Representatives and the Senate. Article II vests executive powers in the President. Article III places judicial powers in the hands of the courts. All of these are spelled out in detail in the Constitution. Briefly, Congress runs the country. The President is the Chief Executive, Commander in Chief of the Armed Services, treaty maker (foreign affairs), plus many informal responsibilities involving political leadership and proposing legislation to Congress. Currently, the president also has the Line Item Veto which, if used properly and not for pure politics, is beneficial to "WE" the citizens. The courts keep everything legal.
Therefore, as I see it, any and all faults that we may find in the United States of America today are caused by the actions, or lack of actions, of our Congress. The President does have the power and privilege to Veto any bills presented to him by Congress, but Congress can override the veto, and therefore must accept the full responsibility for the legislation in the end.

The members of Congress,-Senators and Representatives, are elected by their Constituents, you and me, and are charged to represent them. DO YOUR SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVE PERFORM THEIR DAILY DUTIES AS YOU WANT THEM TO DO? If not, did you vote for him/her? Do you contact them regarding your opinions or desires? Or do you let them do as they see fit? The following Chapters are devoted to impartial discussions of subjects such as Abortion, Religion, Race, Budget-National Debt, War, Armed Services, Crime, etc. The editorials that I have used for guidance include opinions for, against and neutral for each subject.

My first task, was to write a goal for each subject that would best serve the long run needs of the majority of the United States citizens-not easily done. I know that it is practically impossible to write a goal that would be 100% accepted by every citizen, but at least 66 2/3 would be nice. Common sense must get into the picture early in the game to be successful.

Next I studied the pertinent editorials to determine the pro's and con'.s of the subject matter, such as Race , Religion, Abortion etc. The resulting study indicated that the Goal was written right to get the job done. This is what the majority wanted to happen NOW, not next year or ten years down the road. Theoretically, if the majority of the citizens wanted a balanced budget, for example, all we have to do is inform our Representatives and Senators of our desires, and it would be done. NICE THOUGHT, THAT"S THE WAY THE CONSTITUTION IS WRITTEN!

Practically, this may happen in today's politics, but I do not expect much action until the general public (majority of voting citizens) really get informed and participate as they should. Many of the eligible voters do not vote because they are not registered properly, or are not properly informed about the candidate or subject matter, or just have plain apathy (don't give a dam attitude).

There are many who complain to their family, or friends, or co-workers etc., but their action stops there. No one complained (bitched) about daily activities as much as the GI's in WWII, such as lousy food, inadequate equipment, extended periods of time in combat-no rest, etc. however, as a result things did happen, both good and bad. Their ingenuity in handling difficult, and sometimes seemingly impossible situations, was amazing. Both success and disaster stories spread fast, and the experiences helped make life (literally) much better for those who paid attention to their peers.

The solution to our problems today in the United States of America is for the majority to get INVOLVED as spelled out in our Constitution. If nothing else, use my goals as a beginning. Use as is, or modify or change, and get the word to our Congressmen. If they do not listen to your wishes and move accordingly, vote for another person who will. This is the only legal, and best way, to do it! Some Congressmen are known to say they will do certain things, but their voting records show otherwise. It will take the majority of our eligible voters to get the job done.. As far as I am concerned personally, politics should be out. Common sense should prevail. I try to vote for the person who will represent me in Congress, -I do not care whether he/she is a Republican, Democrat or Independent. The welfare of the United States outside of the Washington, DC beltway is at stake.

In the early 70's, I wrote a letter that included fourteen different subjects. I sent copies to my Congressman and Senators. The areas for discussion were described analyzed , and potential solutions offered. The object or goal of the letter was to find a group of "leaders" that would solve the problems to benefit the majority of the U. S. citizens. Senator Adlai Stevenson was the only one that answered it personally with details involved. I am still looking for a majority of leaders in our Congress. A leader is trustworthy, honest and reliable, and one that works for the long term benefits for all U. S. citizens, no politics involved. A politician puts politics and his constituents first.

Finally, the above dissertation may appear that I do not like the United States of America. On the contrary, I believe that this country has the best of everything and I am proud and happy to be a citizen. During the past eighty years, I have traveled to thirty eight other countries, fought in some during WWII, and do not care to live anywhere else. My problem is that I am a perfectionist. We HAVE the best and all Americans should believe this, and try to make it better. When problems or situations arise, identify them, study them, sort out the pro's and con's of all available solutions, and then do the best for the majority of all citizens. Just because many of us enjoy a good standard of living does not mean that everybody cannot do better.

Give it some thought, get your family, friends, church people, co-workers etc., involved. Let's make some progress together. We need a common sense government lead by logical leaders who believe in goals that are the best for the majority of all U.S. citizens.

Five and one-half years of WW II (Ireland, England, Africa, Italy and Southern France with the 1st Armored Division and a separate 191st Tank Battalion) taught me to THINK and take action fast. When faced with a problem, it soon became evident that recognition of same was the first order of business. Analysis of all the pros and cons effecting the issue was next, followed by a solution that would eliminate the problem. Sufficient discussion or debate must ensue to result in a firm decision, either it is black or white,-no gray areas permitted. Partial or compromising solutions merely delay the desired results, like the 1986/87 Income Tax revision.

To accomplish these desirable results, we need the cooperation of the leaders in our political environment. Personally, I care less whether a Senator or Congressman or committee chairman is a republican, democrat or independent. I do care whether he or she is a leader or a politician. A leader thinks and acts for the long term good of his constituents and the majority of all American citizens. A politician works hard for his constituents and party goals, and the resulting politics usually benefit a few rather than the majority.

Following are a few topics that I considered but did not write specific chapters for:

1. Without nuclear energy, American dollars spent for foreign oil could be our biggest export per the U.S. Council for Energy Awareness, Post Office Box 66103, Department FD07, Washington, D.C. 20035. Compare costs or efficiency of fission/fusion nuclear plant construction/operation vs. crude oil import and refining. Consider eventually depletion of oil and the fact that we may want some oil for small, special purposes indefinitely. Burning of fossil fuels effects our atmosphere - too much co2, causing a dangerous warming trend and possible droughts.

2. Mandatory federal or state health controls or not? Prohibition in the 30s did not stop people from drinking alcoholic beverages. In fact, the side effects (bootlegging, gang wars, political payoffs and corruption, poor quality booze, legal ways around the law, such as private clubs or brown bagging, etc.) were eventually deemed worse for the public than prohibition. The public wanted the freedom or the right to consume alcohol at their discretion. Then, problems of drunk driving, legal age of drinking, when a person is legally intoxicated, grew to where something had to be done for the benefit of the masses. We accept the fact that a law by itself will not eliminate any of the above problems, the real problem is how the law in enforced! A nineteen year old is just as guilty as a forty-two year old if he/she kills another person as a result of driving while intoxicated. Discipline and responsibility go with the act, although the media leads us to believe that morally this country is on its way to repeat "the fall of Rome", as evidenced by their sensational reporting or headlines. I believe the vast majority lead a good, Christian life. What is needed is for the majority to demand the rigid enforcement of local school rules or regulations, state and federal laws designed to curb or reduce the problem frequency. The need for disciple starts very early in life, and in my opinion, never ceases. The so called do-gooders have their opinions and the right to express them, but their solutions have not been practical or effective. If the goal is to reduce drunk driving, use of drugs, gang wars, vandalism or similar crimes, remove the source from society. For example, our current jails and youth discipline centers are overcrowded, understaffed and under budgeted. One solution would be to have the federal or state national guard army engineers construct "prisoner of war" compounds with sufficient capacity to contain all offenders of these minor offenses. The teenager who could not read or write would be confined until he responded to discipline, learned to read and write and was able to be successfully employed. A citizen of any age would have the choice of living with society or not.

3. President Reagan, answering a question from a student at the Moscow University about American Indians - a possible mistake - "Maybe we should not have humored their desire to stay in that kind of primitive lifestyle. Maybe we should have said ‘No, come join us, be citizens along with the rest of use.'" I do not consider this a mistake. The environment they had 100/150 years ago no longer exists. The stories I read and hear about discuss the inadequacy of our present programs and the hardships of eeking out a primitive living. I have no objections to the Indian's maintaining their customs, language or religious beliefs, the same as any nationality. It is time that we became a single nation with all citizens having equal rights and privileges. I see no need for laws, rules or regulations, etc that give special privileges to any group of citizens. This applies to the Hispanic, too. English is our language, Speak Spanish if you want to, but live, learn and operate schools, businesses, etc using English. I admire foreign sales people who speak, write and conduct business in multi languages, but when they go home, they use their home language. An article in the Chicago Tribune by Mary T. Schmich-Cajuns ask: Can minority status buy you respect? Declare Cajuns, an official majority, just like blacks. I believe that removing all legislation concerning minorities, would eventually benefit the blacks, Hispanics, Indians, etc. Equal opportunity to go to school, learn a trade, etc and compete for a living is more beneficial to the mass than legally requiring 10% of government work to be awarded to minorities (½ of Louisianans could qualify as minorities if you totaled the Cajuns, Eskimos, Blacks, American Indians, Hispanics and Orientals).

4. There are many controversial articles about social security, some say it is going broke, while others say it is in good shape. I believe that an accurate statement should be prepared by the social security administration dispelling the myths and misconceptions and widely promoted through its nationwide advertising campaign. The program is sound for what it was designed. The facts are that politicians in Congress have borrowed from the fund from time to time and depleted the total available. If social security loaned it to us rather than invest in T-bills for example. We owe ourselves! A little truth in articles printed (both by the media and politicians) would be nice. Also, emphasis should be placed on the fact that social security is a package of protection that will provide for a limited lifestyle. It was not designed to provide for "millionaire" retirement for everyone. Social security should be a base to build your retirement on! Depending on your needs or desires, other income will be needed. It is not up to the mass to provide for the few who do not provide for themselves! Tie this story in with welfare, design our laws and programs to the mass who have the initiative to provide for themselves, ambition to earn and fit their desired lifestyle! Our government was not desirous to provide and support these lifestyles that they deemed was due.

5. An article in the Seattle Post - Intelligencer, Sunday paper, June 12, 1988 on "Life Support System" discusses the struggle over forest uses vital to this regions health. The use of forests in this area effect the pure water supply, salmon, use of electricity, use of wood, etc. Bureaucratic organizations such as the Environment Protection Agency and the Forest Service are at odds for the future.

6. U.S. losing power in Latin America - If we are losing power, it is because Congress is weak, The politicians outnumber the leaders. I believe in the basic format of the Monroe Doctrine and I have not seen any arguments against this. The U.S. shall inform the world that we will enforce the Monroe Doctrine. If Castro or anybody like him disapproves, that's tough - take the consequences. Appeasement or lack of discipline today only makes it harder to correct the problem later. THE GOAL - NO COMMUNISM IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE! I do not want to take over the USSR, nor do I care how they live their lives or run their country. In other words, live as you want inside your borders, but if you want peaceful coexistence, stop trying to encroach on our way of living. Peaceful coexistence has never been a way of life for the whole world since it was created. To prove my point, just study the museums, churches and history of man from the beginning. The continual improvement in weaponry alone has influenced man to continue to try and influence his neighbor or enemy as described to the public by the politicians in power. In 1918, we supposedly won World War I to end all wars. We won World War II to accomplish the same result. We have not arrived at a peaceful coexistence through the world yet. Hopefully, with proper leadership, we will reach our goal in my lifetime. However, I do not believe our present Congress is capable or willing to do this. In my opinion, we need another big club like the advantage we had when we were first with the atomic bomb. Patton was right when he said "Let me beat the Russians today when we have the means to do it." I really believe that if we develop a sophisticated Star Wars system before the Russians do, that we could force a permanent peace. Early discipline to destroy the aggressiveness by "a bull'" anywhere in the world to establish life according to the golden rule would set us up as a leader enforcing peace.

7. Farm Subsidies - See Article re Congress Takes Care of Farmers As Usual. Get a printed statement from Farm Bureau regarding their opinion on federal or state farm subsidies. Personally, I am against subsidizing any business because I do not believe it helps "in this case" the farmers or their customers in the long run. The farmer today, with good business practices or management ability, is entitled to a decent profit and return on investment, just like any other business. Without a subsidy, the consumer may have to pay more for food at the grocery store, but this an adjustment that must be made. No subsidy should reduce taxpayer dollars spent, which in turn would reduce the annual deficit or need for taxes. No subsidy would place the burden of profitability on the farmers back. Price at the market, with the normal marketing costs (harvesting, labor, trucking, distribution, etc) will determine the consumer demand. Price subsidy to me is the same as welfare to city folks. We do not need either one. The recipients of either do not receive enough to live decently according to most of our standards and the taxpayer carries both the burden and the guilt. No welfare or subsidies rewards initiative and productivity and the mass will benefit in the long run. Leaders will figure this on paper any time of the year. Politicians will say that we need subsidies and welfare to help the poor (and we, the politicians, need their votes).

8. "Desalination Corporation Duties!" Organize and supervise the following operations:

1. Collection of seawater and transportation of same to desalination plant. This will include selection and construction of intake site and facilities, pumps and piping, as well as any prior to desalination processes to recover trace minerals and any means to reduce ultimate waste solids.

2. Selection and construction of desalination equipment and plant initially to be the most economical for the production of fresh water for human consumption and agriculture purposes, probably a reverse osmosis operation. Eventually, a nuclear operation "preferable fusion vs. fission" would be built to provide for a dual operation - distilled water and power (electricity) from steam operated generators. A minimum of 100 million gallons per day of sea water shall be processed. A recovery of any and all minerals in the sea water (NA, CL, AG, AU) shall be used to defray of the fresh water.

3. Storage and piping of fresh water to areas of use. Storage and further processing of waste brine (disposable) to recover any minerals to help defray costs of entire operation.

4. Develop future plan for distribution of electrical power for all corporation use to include plants or equipment to recover salvageable minerals, steel production for construction of border fence, a Portland Cement Plant and the agriculture enterprise.

5. Assuming clearance or operation with the four border states could be arranged, after the politics involved were eliminated, plans would be developed to construct a fence along the entire Mexican border. The design would be developed by the Army Corp of Engineers. The construction of same would be by the corporation who would bear all costs and supervision until the border fence was ready for operation. The U.S. border patrol would be in complete control of the use or operation of the fence after the construction was completed according to the design. Maintenance of the facilities would be by contract by the corporation and the U.S. border patrol and Army Engineers. Per the original plan, the corporation would construct the fence in exchange for a five mile strip of land along the Mexican border.

6. Develop an agricultural plan for the five mile strip deeded to the corporation. The first order of business would be to contact the state Universities involved through their respective agricultural departments. An ideal solution would be for an agronomy and botany student to research the climate and soil to determine what plants could be satisfactorily grown there. The length of the growing season may provide 2 or 3 corn crops each year, several cuttings of hay, etc. A large variety of crops, such as fruits, vegetables and staples, such as potatoes, rice, beans, cotton, etc might be feasible. Water will be plentiful, sunshine adequate, and plant food furnished or made available through the irrigation system. This may be accomplished best by one or more irrigation methods or by hydrophonic methods or a combination of same.

7. A marketing plan would have to be developed to make the whole plan profitable. Having a five mile strip access to the sea in California and plenty of space to develop one or more ports in Texas would permit trade by sea. The object would be to trade "FOOD" products for raw materials such as fertilizer, iron ore, or finished products that we need or are marketable here. I believe in a barter trade with the third world countries (or any country) where a fair price is paid for the product at the point of origin in their currency and the same pricing arrangement here, no government subsidizing. If a population is hungry, we will feed them, but not for nothing. Trading electricity or water to Mexico for oil would be a good start. Crude oil could either be sold to American refineries or processed by the corporation.

8. As mentioned previously, labor could be performed through halfway houses. This could be a prerequisite to get into the corporation program, except for key management personnel as needed. Eventually as the need for manpower grew, contact with prison officials could be very helpful for both parties involved. Planned living for this type of personnel would be necessary from day one.

9. FRUSTRATION - The more I study or research a problem, the more I find out how little I know about anything. Recognizing this deficiency can be beneficial in preventing ulcers and heart attacks and the ultimate reaching of success. By discussing a problem area with as many people as possible, their opinions can be tabulated and categorized. The idea in to promote thinking and logically arrive at a mutual goal. The writing of a mutual goal often proves to be the most difficult part of the solution. Criticism and discussions are desired as long as a solution to the mutual goal is reached. Remember gray area decisions are not acceptable. They only delay reaching the goal and are much more costly than a black or white ruling. Ignoring the problem by shifting the blame is also not acceptable.
10 More chapters are being written and will be added as soon as they are finished. Subject matters being considered are education, foreign aid, youth/gangs, gambling, garbage, health, immigration, inflation, law, parents, politics/PACS, pollution, race, rape, national security, sex, socialism, taxes, transportation, terrorism, voting and welfare.

Your comments and suggests are welcome, Remember that there is "no such thing as a free lunch" and that a black or white is desired - no gray areas.