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Here he is.......

Preston John was born January 15, 2001 at 5:28pm, weighing in at 8lbs, 13oz and 21" in length.

A little primer....

We attempted a natural childbirth using The Bradley Method, although we were met with some complications that inhibited this goal.  But no matter, the first rule of any birth is a healthy mother and child, and we succeeded at both.  With the help of our Doula's, Kelly and Alicia (a trainee), the mother to be worked through labor like a champ.  It was only when we were met with a kid that just didn't seem to want to come out, a cesaeran became necessary.


From the day of and days after PJ's birth, click here

At one month, click here

Here are some out of town visitors from the Burns side of the family.  

We had a reunion with our Bradley Method classmates on 4/21, see the pictures here

Here are some pictures from April that I forgot to post then.

Over the Memorial Day weekend, PJ felt quite photogenic!

See PJ at 5 months.  

Here are pictures of PJ at 6 months.  

Here are pictures of PJ at his Baptism.    New 10/22/01!


Open this page to view videos of PJ.