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Jason's Homepage!!!

Jason's Homepage!!!!

Hello. Whats up everybody? My name is Jason. I am 16 years old and I am a Junior at Mt Vernon Township High School. Ok a little about me. I am about 5' 7"(I think) with short red hair and brown eyes. I am single right now. I am kind of what you say an athlete. I play baseball. Baseball is America's favorite past time and I love to play it. I have played baseball ever since I could hold a bat in my hands. I am the catcher for the Mt. Vernon Rams baseball team. I have a Nocona catchers mitt thats why there is a Nocona sign on this page. I also play bass guitar. It is a weird looking purple Washburn with 4 strings. It ain't the greatest guitar in the world but it fits my needs. I like to play anything but mostly contempary Christian music. A guy and I from my church play together some. He plays an acoustic guitar and I play the bass. Well thats about it for now. Come back later to see if I have uploaded anything. Don't forget to check out my pic page and the page about my truck. Also sign the guest book and do the poll. Well I don't know what else to say. So Goodbye.


My Awesome GOD

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Close your eyes, tilt your head back....keeping eyes closed....

You'll see a circle of light. Continue looking at the circle of light.

What do you see?

If're looking too hard....try it again.

THis is dedicated to all Christians out there! Our Lord and Savior is coming back soon! So you better prepare yourselves!!!!!

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