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Welcome to Center Bluff


Neighborhood Clean-Up 4/21
Membership Meeting 5/21
Membership Meeting 6/21
Neighborhood Garage Sale 7/21
Night Out Against Crime 8/21
Neighborhood Cook-out  

About Us
Mission Statement
By Laws

Membership Description
Form to apply

Neighborhood Watch

Links to City of Peoria web sites


Welcome to the Center Bluff Neighborhood Association

... one of Peoria's finest neighborhoods since the early 1920’s

Well-built, distinctive and diverse homes, tree-lined streets, a wonderful park and community spirit characterize the Center Bluff charm. Centrally located in the heart of Peoria, Center Bluff thrives today as a diverse, well-maintained neighborhood and continues to attract new residents wanting a special place to live. 

The Center Bluff Neighborhood Association (CBNA) is a non-profit organization committed to ensuring the Center Bluff remains a vital community. The CBNA strives to make the neighborhood a great place to live through beautification efforts, helping neighbors, planning neighborhood / community activities and communicating information to the neighborhood residents.


Beautification Committee

If you are interested in helping to make our neighborhood the best it can be, contact Abraham Lincoln.

The Beautification Committee of the Center Bluff Neighborhood Association meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7 PM to plan and coordinate numerous activities throughout our neighborhood.  We rely on volunteers to help us clean up our neighborhood parks in the spring and before special events .  Many of our committee members are gardeners and look forward to planting flower beds in the median and flower pots in the business area each spring. But the work is not finished with the planting, we also water and weed and add greenery to the pots for winter, as well. We welcome anyone interested in helping with our activities to come to our meetings, join our scheduled events, contact Abraham Lincoln or just show up.

Everyone can help BEAUTIFY the CENTER BLUFF by just doing your part to keep our streets, yards and sidewalks free of litter.  If you see a plastic bag, piece of cardboard, paper cup, or other piece of trash as you walk around the neighborhood, PICK IT UP! Don't wait for someone else to do it, take pride in our beautiful neighborhood and help us keep it that way.