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April 11, 2001- I will be going on my first ghost hunt since February 13, 1999. Tonight was a nice night to hunt. It was around 75 and there was a nice breeze to go along with it. We arrived around 11:00 pm cst on a members private graveyard about 800 feet from a house they rent out. We only stayed for around 5-10 minutes due to the fact it was around a woods and there are coyotes all over the place. We took around 20 pictures and had about 5 of them with something on them. If you'd like to see them, go to pics under "My Hunts". Overall, this was an okay hunt but nothing big... To view the "My Hunts" pictures, click here!
October 25, 2001-We had origionally planned on hunting at the last place we went to, but there was way too much brush around the graveyard, and the pictures would have looked bad. So insted, we went to a cemetary located in Vergennes, Illinois. When we got there, there was a little bit of wind and it was pretty chilly. I would say around 50 or so. The hunt went along great tonight since we did not plan to go there. We took around 40 pictures with one camera, and around 30 with another. So tonight was another successful hunt us! If you would like to see the pictures from todays hunt, click here!