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Film Stars

Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey broke into feature films, and into the collective unconscious of the world, in one single successful year, 1994. It was the Year of the Funny Face. First there was Ace Ventura:Pet Detective, a surprise hit that showcased Carrey's now signature wacky style. Next came The Mask, a role that seemed tailor-made for him and was a hit with audiences. As if he hadn't made an impression yet, there was still Dumb and Dumber which was released during the holiday season and ended up on top of the box office. Jim Carrey was in the lime light now and he hasn't looked back since.

Chris Farely

Chris made his feature film debut in the hit movie "Wayne's World", appearing briefly as a security guard. After other small roles in the films "Coneheads", "Airheads", "Billy Madison" and "Wayne's World 2" Chris left SNL along with other after the 1994-95 season along with other long-time favorites Adam Sandler, Kevin Nealon, Rob Schneider and Phil Hartman to focus on his movie career. His first starring role came alongside SNL companion David Spade in 1995's "Tommy Boy". "Tommy Boy" quickly became a cult classic among fans, breaking box-office expectations, and causing many observers to call the duo a modern-day Laurel and Hardy combo. Chris teamed up with Spade again in "Black Sheep" which also achieved box-office success, and was a fan-favorite although lacking the overall popularity of Tommy Boy. Chris went solo in his next movie, "Beverly Hills Ninja" an over-the-top farce that provided ample opportunities for Farley's physical humor, but lacked the script to take full advantage of Farley's comedic talents. Farley's dedicated fan base continued to support his movies and "Ninja" was another box-office success, debuting #1 and even out-grossing established star Eddie Murphy's latest movie released the same week.

John Candy

John Franklin Candy was born in Toronto, Canada, October 31, 1950. Candy grew up in Scarborough, Canada, where he was known as an intelligent student and talented football player at Neil McNeil high school. After graduation, Candy enrolled in a local community college, where he took a handful of drama courses and discovered his passion for comedy and acting. John Candy died unexpectedly of a heart attack March 4, 1994, while filming on location in Durango, Mexico. He was 44 years old.

Harland Williams

Harland has always had a fascination with drawing, and over the years has developed his own comic book characters. One of his doodles later became the inspiration for a series of children’s books about a brontosaurus that he penned and illustrated himself, entitled Lickety Split. In addition, he is currently developing some of his own cartoons. Williams made his acting debut in the Farrelly Brothers’ Dumb and Dumber, which set the tone for his acting career. His first starring role came in Rocket Man, a funny film which nevertheless tanked at the box office. He will try again with a big screen adaptation of the Beetle Baily comic strip. Williams’ zany and offbeat style of comedy has earned him plenty of devout fans, who treasure Rocket Man as a cult classic. So far, Williams has seemed quite content with walk-on roles and playing weird but memorable characters - with each one of these his fan base grows.

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