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My How To Do Page

How To Make Winamp Skins
READ THIS: This is kinda hard to understand but bear with me. The very first thing you will need to do is to download the base skin. This needs to be unziped into a folder. Use Winzip. In the stats below there are gonna be a set of words and numbers. The very first word is the file in your folder that you will need to open into paint. The second word is the type part in the file that you will be using. The next will be a number and this is the number you put the trace bar on. In paint this will be the very top right icon in the tool box menu. Use the status bar on the very bottom with two numbers seperated by a comma(,). The second number is the size that you make the selection. put the cross bars on the first point click and hold and pull the bar to the size of the second number. Copy and paste in the other file.

A Helpful Winamp Skins SiteThis is a site that will help you if your confused.

Base Skin Unzip this with Winzip and these are the bitmaps you change.

cbutton - open file button - 136,89 - 22 x 16 -

cbutton - rest of buttons - 18,89 - 114 x 18 -

monoster - stereo buttons - 239,52 - 29 x 12 -

monoster - mono buttons - 212,52 - 29 x 12 -

eqmain - top main picture - find pic - 275 x 116 -

eqmain - on & auto - 12,31 - 59 x 16 -

eqmain - []on []auto - 14,31 - 59 x 16

eqmain - on & auto - 12,31 - 59 x 16 -

eqmain - []on []auto - 14,31 - 59 x 16

eqmain - status bar - 0,0 - 275 x 14 -

eqmain - status bar - 0,0 - 275 x 14 -

eqmain - presets - 217,28 - 44 x 12 -

eqmain - on bottom - 198,17 - 113 x 19 -

eqmain - 1 line on very bottom - 198,38 - 113 x 1 -

volume - volume bar - 107,70 - 68 x 14 -

balance - balance bar - 177,56 - 38 x 14 -

shufrep - shuffle - 164,89 - 47 x 15

shufrep - repeat - 211,89 - 28 x 15 - 28 x 15

titlebar - top 2 - 0,0 - 275 x 14 -

titlebar - [¯] - 281,3 - 9 x 9 -

titlebar - [_] - 271,3 - 9 x 9 -

titlebar - [X] - 291,3 - 9 x 9 -

titlebar - box in box on left - 33,3 - 9 x 9 -

titlebar - two boxes in box - 281,32 - 9 x 9 -

titlebar - far right aodiu - 10,22 - 8 x 43 -

posbar - posbar - 15,17 - 248 x 10 -

Pledit is easier to understand with the actual bitmap file open while you read this. When I say next I am going left to right

pledit - top 2 left - 0,0 - 25 x 20 -

pledit - top next (long) - 50,0 - 100 x 20 -

pledit - top next (short) - 25,0 - 25 x 20 -

pledit - top next (short) - 0,150 - 25 x 20 -

pledit - top next tall thin - 125,115 - 75 x 38

pledit - top next big - 125,115 - 75 x 38 -

pledit - middle left one pixel from left edge - anything repeatable - 12 x 29 -

pledit - middle next on right of area - 274,77 - 20 x 29 -

pledit - [X] (do later when other pics in) - 137,44 - 9 x 9 -

pledit - [¯] (do later when other pics in) - 193,24 - 9 x 9 -

pledit - veritical bar - 8 x 18 -

pledit - veritical bar - 8 x 18 -

now talking about the group of 4 bars.

pledit - top left bar - 0,0 - 25 x 14 -

pledit - bottom left bar - anything repeatable - 25 x 14 -

pledit - top right bar - 0,274 - 50 x 14 -

pledit - bottom right bar - 0,274 - 50 x 14 -

pledit - next 2 overlapping boxes in box - 125,45 - 9 x 9 -

pledit - bottom left - 0,115 - 125 x 38 -

pledit - next - 125,115 - 125 x 38

Now Good Luck and if you are having problems or just don't get any of this - Email Me or my AOL AIM is v6superbug and my ICQ # is 97763256.