Coin Purse Mini Kit

Small coin purse
safety pins, fishing hooks, paper clip
18 x 18 square of tin foil, ziplock bag, coil of wire
mini mag solatare, bandaids
sak executive model, button compass
fishing line, string, matches, lighter, split shot
swiss tech micro tool, Boy Scout
razor blade, hacksaw blade, p-38 opener

Above is one of my favorite mini kits. It is one of my favorites because it is based on a fabric coin purse, rather than a tin. This is much quiter in the pocket and easier to carry. It also has a handy clip so you can hook it to a belt loop rather than carry it in you pocket if you like. It lacks a few components that I intend to add later including: A freznel magnifying lens, water purification tabs, and a wire saw.

They key to any good mini kit is that it be small enough to have with you at all times when you are in the woods. Since the ability to make fire is so essential in a survival situation, I always try to include 3 methods of starting a fire... Wooden Matches, Mini Bic Lighter and Boy Scout Metal Match
