A Cute Hotty

What was I supposed to say to that? I how was I suppose to help him? I can barely know how Hartford society works. The boy that represented everything that my mom tried to keep me from now wants to learn how to be kept from that very thing. This makes no since, yet as I look into his eyes I know that he is being completely sincere about everything. But what am I supposed to say to him?

"Rory you don't have to answer now. Relax like we were at the dinner. What do you usually do on Friday nights."

Ok so I must have sat there with a lost and confused look on my face or something since he thought he had to save me again from being speechless. But who just ask that deep of questions on a...FRIDAY!

"FRIDAY! It is not Friday!" No, no, no, it could not be Friday, how could I forget. "My mom is so going to kill me." I stood up and started looking every where for the phone.

"Rory what's wrong?" I took the split second to look at Tristan and saw the concern on his face, I must look like a crazy fool throwing random stuff around the living room.

"Friday night is Gilmore Dinner night. Look my mom could not afford to get me into Chilton, so we made a deal with my grandparents and they would pay the tuition. But as always there was a hitch, my mom and myself have to attend dinner with them every Friday night. Ah Ha, here you are." I finally found the phone under the coffee table. "Grandma and Mom are probably worried by now, if you will excuse me." I walked into the kitchen and dialed my mom's cell phone.

"Where are you!?" You would think my mom would show a bit more compassion to her only child.

"I'm sorry mom but something or rather someone came up. And I completely forgot it was a Friday and since you didn't come home well there was nothing to remind me." I said all this in one breath hoping she would let it drop until she got home.

"Is it really worth it, cause if this someone isn't in any physical or emotion pain, then they better be a cute, hotty." I rolled my eyes, but at least I knew she would wait for details.

"You'll have to wait and see. We will have an extra for movie night though"

"I'll pick up extra junk food on my home. Rory are you alright?" That's the compassionate mother I knew.

"Yeah, I'm fine. See you in a little while." I hung up the phone, took a deep breath, and started the coffeepot. When I reentered the living room Tristan was laid out across the sofa fast a sleep. I stood watching him, and notice that he got even hotter over the last year. And couldn't wait for my mom's reaction.

I covered him up with a light blanket, and took my coffee out side to wait for my mother.