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Good Vs. Evil

As long as time has existed there has been strong controversies between good and evil. Many religious groups, cultures, societies, and steretypes have all had their conflicts to what is "good" and what is "evil". We see "good" as implying altruism, respect for life, and a concern for the dignity of other sentient beings. "Good" also implies to making sacrifices to help others. We see "evil" as hurting, oppressing, and killing others. "Evil" people have little or no compassion for people, killing others with no reason, or doing vile acts to better themselves. To me there is no "good" nor "evil", just a neutral cycle that is viewed upon by beliefs and emotion. Many people might see it good for a person to steal to help support their family from starvation and poverty. Others might see it as evil since the person stole to better themselves by doing a negative act. There is no true meaning for good or evil. Each emotion and action has its positive and negative effects. "Good" and "Evil" can only be judged by the person viewing it, because it will differ from person to person based on their personal views, ethics, and/or beliefs.

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