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Car Audio

My Maxima

My Old System

Beautiful Women

Sights of
Purdue University


Greg Ferro's Homepage

Well, a lot has happened since I last updated this page. I have been making periodic changes to the other portions of the page, but my info here is quite a bit behind. I have since some of you last read this page, graduated from Purdue University with my BSEE. Promptly after my graduation, I spent the month of December enjoying my last remaining moments of freedom and on the 8th of January I began my engineering career with Northrop Grumman.

Since starting my job means a significant source of income, I have been saving and planning to purchase a new automobile, which I did on March 5th of this year. The new car was a 2001 Nissan Maxima SE. You can see more info on the car in my Maxima Page. Check out the link on the side bar.

I am an audiophile and I subscribe to all the major car audio magazines. I have made a page with links to a lot of the major car audio manufacturers and I have made a system page for my previous system in my previous car. Check them out!!

Click on this button to visit the web site that helped me design this page. I also bought the book that the author of the page wrote and let me tell you, it has a bunch of great ideas in it. I hope to one day have a page that rivals some of the pages that he features in his book.



This page was constructed and is maintained by Gregory M. Ferro. Any offensive material contained herein is only the opinions shared by Mr. Ferro and his associates. Any questions or comments should be sent directly to Mr. Ferro via Email. All pictures contained herein are property of Mr. Ferro and permission is required before use of said pictures. Please notify Mr. Ferro via email of you intent before use. Thank you for your time.