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WCW Mayhem Questions & Answers

The Credit for these questions and answers goes to Game Informer and the Game Informer WCW Mayhem Preview Page.

  • Part I
  • Part II
  • Part III
  • Part IV
  • Part V
  • Part VI
  • Part VII
  • Part VIII
  • Part IX
  • Part X
  • Part XI
  • Part XII
  • Part XIII
  • Part XIV
  • Part XV
  • Part XVI
  • Part XVII
  • Part XVIII

    Part I

    Q: Will this game be pushed back as much as Attitude is?

    A: Nothing can be said for sure, of course, but Mayhem will probably be delayed, but not as much as Attitude. Electronic Arts is pretty good with release dates, but we're sure there will be bugs to iron out with this initial engine. At the latest, Mayhem will be released to coincide with the release of THQ's WrestleMania 2000, but it should make it out earlier than that.

    Q: Is there a commentary table in Mayhem?

    A: Yep, but it's always off camera, and the commentators' voices must be coming from somewhere. There is no commentary table to be found at ringside or during play, and we would imagine this is the way it's going to stay.

    Q: Which version are you going to play? N64 or PS-X?

    A: It seems that the PS-X version is the one we'll be receiving first. From what we've seen of both versions, there are definitely differences between the two, and the PS-X is the better looking and sounding one, and thus the one EA would send out to previewers. Remember, though, we are speaking of early, unfinished games. The final word on which will be better has yet to be spoken.

    Q: Can you list all the wrestlers that are in the game?

    A: No. On, EA lists the following wrestlers as in the game:

    During our time with an early version, we had the following characters available to play from the start:

    There are also 17 wrestler slots filled with ??????. During Demo mode while the game idled, however, we saw people such as Sarge, Jimmy Hart, Doug Dillenger, and Eric Bischoff in the ring, so that gives you an idea of some hidden characters.

    Q: There has been very little information on all of the modes in Mayhem. Can you please tell us all of the modes and explain them too?

    A: We can tell you what we've seen, but we can't explain them, for again, we don't have the game yet. On an early PS-X version, you could select the following Match Types: Singles, Handicap, Triangle, Four Way Dance, Battle Royal, and Tag-Team. You could have a 10, 20, 30 minute, or no limit match length, decide to turn on or off count outs, submissions, and rope breaks, and then combine all of it with the following Special Rules: Raven's Rules, No DQ, and Weapons Match.

    Part II

    Q: Which game seems to be better, Attitude or Mayhem?

    A: Of all the questions we received, this has to be the most unfair one. When we got our first copy of Attitude, the general consensus around the office was, 'What a pile of crap.' There was still a lot of work to be done on it, but by the time it was finished, we loved Attitude. Mayhem is in the same boat now. Looking at an early version of a game and comparing it fairly to a nearly finished one shouldn't be done. Ask us this question again in a few months.

    Q: Will WCW Mayhem contain facial expressions?

    A: Originally, that was the design team's intention. While we were finishing up our August issue and the Mayhem page it contained, EA called us to let us know that this would not be a part of the game any longer. No reason was given, but the likely culprits for the abscence of facial expressions in Mayhem are time constraints and space issues.

    Q: Will Rey Mysterio Jr have his mask on or off?

    A: Every time we've seen him, it was without his mask, BUT this is speaking without a copy, so he may wear it if there are alternate costumes.

    Q: What's gameplay like? Is it similar to THQ's WCW series?

    A: Hoo boy, here's the big question. So far, Mayhem's gameplay does seem similar to to the grapple system made famous by games like Revenge. On the PlayStation version, while standing, Triangle and Circle punch,and X kicks. Pressing the D-pad certain directions while punching and kicking performs them in different styles. Square is reserved for grapple, where a majority of the moves are done. While grappling, all four buttons will then perform a separate move. Pressing a direction with the button does different moves. We think there are three moves for each button while grappled.

    We're unsure of the mechanics behind corner, running, turnbuckle, and other moves, but it's a sure bet that they will be just as simple, so beginners can still jam on the controller to pull some cool stuff off if they're playing with the pros.

    Q: How does health/momentum meter work?

    A: First off, there are no health bars or depleting spirit meters or anything like that. There is only the Momentum Meter. It's a pretty clever idea, actually, because it allows a match to turn around suddenly, just as things so often do in the ring. Each person in the melee has a metered bar next to their names. As moves are pulled off, your Momentum Meter rises while your opponent falls. The better the moves, the higher your Momentum rises. If a wrestler does nothing (or is waiting to be tagged in, for example), the meter slowly falls. To pin or get the submission, your Momentum Meter must be full, and your opponents somewhat low. By the way, the meter also determines how much the crowd digs what you're doing in the ring.

    Part III

    Q: What's up? With the Attitude page you were all about The Rock. For this page, you said it was all about Big Poppa Pump, yet I'm not seeing any tributes to the man. Wise up and show the Big Bad Bootie Daddy putting that little punk Rey Myqueerio through the paces.

    mayh26t.jpg (4047bytes) mayh27t.jpg (3883bytes) A: You gotta understand that when you're dealing with the physical phenomenon that is the Mayhem Preview Page, it can sometimes be difficult to get a picture with all the hootches distracting us by begging to be at our side. We'll show you your picture even though [insert your town here] sucks, and so do the [insert your state's favorite sports team here]. But now take a look to the sides to see what you need and to realize that this page is a genetic freak! The WCW Mayhem Preview Page is your hook up, holler if ya hear me!

    Q: Please tell me that The Cat dances in the ring.

    mayh28t.jpg (3593bytes) A: Ernest Miller is the greatest. The three time karate champ with the magic red shoes does indeed grace the ring with his steps and with his James Brown music. Somebody call his momma, because he just whipped that chump, Buff Bagwell, in this picture. Buff didn't have no stuff. He was too ugly to take on a handsome man like The Cat.

    Q: Dammit, I have heard about as much as I can take about Facial Expressions and "Will Minnie Me be wearing his mask?" On to the most important question: Will Norman Smiley do that crazy, hip happening dance that is sweeping the nation, the Big Wiggle?

    mayh29t.jpg (4117bytes) A: Wait for it...Wait for it...He keeps teasing everyone with it...No, no, not yet....Wait for it...It's not time yet...It looks like he might do it...He's looking around...No, now he's doing a few moves...He's looks to the crowd like he might...Nope he just won the match, but hasn't done it...Hold on, it looks like it might be Wiggle Time...Wait for it...Wait for it...Bam! There it is!

    Q: WCW has gotten a new ring, set, and logo. I've seen pictures of WCW Mayhem with the old logo in the old Nitro ring in the old set. But I've seen others with the new set, ring, and logo. Can you choose new or old rings or will they delete the old one?

    mayh30t.jpg (3555bytes) A: Right now, every time you go to a Nitro match, it's the new ring. It's not out of the question that you could choose to play in the old Nitro ring (and since the design team already has it made, it wouldn't be too hard), but we couldn't figure out how to do it, so who knows what the final version will hold.

    Part IV

    Q: Will [blank] be in the game?

    A: We don't know. If we didn't list them in our week 1 report, then we haven't seen them in the game and don't know if they'll be in or not. Motion-capture for Mayhem was completed a while ago, but it wouldn't be surprising to find that EA had some tricks up their sleeve. About the only WCW wrestler we can say is probably not in the game is Shane Douglas, since his first WCW appearance was two days ago.

    Q: I was looking at your Q&A 3 and you showed some pics that had some kind of bar instead of the little half-clock shaped thing. What's up with that?

    A: That is the new look for the Momentum Meter. It was probably changed from a gauge to a bar since a needle can't show who's on top in a match with more than two people. The same momentum rules apply with the bars. If one person is gaining momentum, the other is losing it.

    Q: In the Battle Royal, are there more than four wrestlers in the ring, or just four at a time?

    mayh31t.jpg (4065bytes) A: As the picture shows, only four can be selected for the match, and only four are in the ring at one time. We know some have been circulating the rumor that there could be more, but it looks like once again four will be the limit to how many people can match up at once.

    Q: What do you mean Steve McMichael (ugh)? He happens to be my favorite wrestler. Mongo could KILL Scott Steiner in the ring.

    mayh32t.jpg (3291bytes) mayh33t.jpg (3623bytes) A: Steve McMichael is a piece of trash. How can you even compare that out of shape, Big Mac eating junkie to the main attraction hooch magnet, Big Poppa Pump? Consider yourself lucky these pictures are from a video game, because the real thing would be even more of a massacre.

    Q: Will Stevie Ray be in the game as a part of Harlem Heat?

    mayh34t.jpg (4456bytes) A: As the picture testifies, it certainly looks like Stevie Ray is NWO Black & White. (Isn't it strange how decrepit this once great faction has become?) If Harlem Heat were to reunite soon, though, all it would take is an alternate costume to bring the man back home to Harlem.

    Q: Will you change the name of this page to the Big Poppa Pump is your hook up somebody better call my momma WCW Mayhem page?

    A: No. We're going to change it to the WCW Better Call My Momma Because Big Poppa Pump Just Whupped Somebody Mayhem Page.

    Part V

    Q: How is the sound in Mayhem? Are the enterance themes the real ones for the wrestlers, and is the commentary like in Thunder with them just saying what the move is or is it like in Attitude?

    A: Speaking in regards to the PlayStation version (the only one we have), the sound is absolutely amazing. The commentary is probably the best of any wrestling game so far. An unseen Mean Gene introduces the match, saying the wrestler's name and making a brief comment about them ("master of the figure-four leglock," for example) as their music plays in the background. Tony Sciavone and Bobby The Brain then call the match. Naturally, they will sometimes repeat themselves, but it is definitely smoother and more varied commentary than any other wrestling title. Moves are called, Henan makes jokes, they discuss the crowds reactions, they even ponder why you're doing the things you are in the ring. Is it realistic? Well, no, because Shiavone actually talks about the match going on and not the one you're going to have two hours from now or at the next pay-per-view.

    Q: Is it possible that a Dreamcast version could be made?

    A: In a word: No. There is an outside .000001% chance that they might, but it would be the shock of the century. Electronic Arts is kind of slow to dive in with new hardware, waiting to see if it is a success. You can't exactly fault them for this attitude, since they are one of the few billion dollar software companies around.

    If it turned out there were a DC version of Mayhem, it would be the first DC title they had announced. If anything, EA's next WCW title after Mayhem will be the one to land on Dreamcast.

    Q: Raven is the best wrestler in WCW and he is my favorite wrestler, so could you show me a picture of Raven giving Steve EGG-McMichial's fat sweaty sausage looking @$$ the Evenflo!!!!! Pain is something that must be experienced, something that must be taught to you so you can inflict hate upon another, we all feel pain and rage, it's all bottled up waiting to explode releasing your hatred upon a uncaring world.

    mayh35t.jpg (3030bytes) mayh36t.jpg (3170bytes) A: The first half of your question we can help you with. The second half is beyond our means and should be left in the hands of a professional. Look at this picture, then seek help to rid yourself of the inner demons that seem to be occasionally taking over your fingers as you type.

    Q: There are three things which will sell this game for me. One is the presence of the Big Wiggle, which your Q&A has confirmed for all us Normaniacs. Second, is the mere existence of the greatest, Ernest Miller, in the game. But the third I just have to know! Does La Parka do his one legged dance sensation? You know, the one that Buff Bagwell's no talent, no push-deserving, can't even slip on the Cat's red dancin' shoes, self ripped off.

    mayh37t.jpg (4151bytes) A: Looks like you'll be buying the game then. The chairman of WCW does the dance that drives all the luchadores crazy. We'd also like to mention that taunting at the right times also raises your Momentum Meter. If the fans are loving you, it can only make you stronger.

    Part VI

    Q: Do you know if it's possible to change a wrestler's faction like in Thunder?

    A: Interesting question. All the wrestlers are given a faction to be in and during the Demo mode while the game idles, we have seen a Wolfpack Sting, but cannot figure out how to do alternate costumes in the game or switch wrestlers to other groups. One would assume that if you moves Sting's allegiance from WCW to Wolfpack, the costume change would occur. More on this as soon as we get our heads out of our rears and figure out the nuances of Mayhem.

    Q: Sucka, you know you gotta run a battle royal with the NWO B-Team. First, from 110th St. Harlem (Texas) Stevie Ray. Next, you gotta bring out the master of the Post Apocalyptic Nuclear Device (a.k.a. samoan drop) Horace "H-Bomb" Hogan. Then, you bring out Scott Norton and Bryan Adams. Unfortunately, Vincent can't make it. If you don't adknowledge the B-Team Stevie Ray will slapjack you & Big Poppa Pump.

    mayh53t.jpg (3921bytes) A: Word. Unfortunately, Bryan Adams couldn't make it either. Hollywood was sick of H-Bomb ruining the family name, so he came in to show them what some pythons can do in the ring. By the way, don't think that since we're running your requested picture that the hooch master, Big Poppa Pump, is in any way scared of these midcard maniacs.

    Q: Is there a certain time that you can do your finisher? Does your momentum have to be all the way up or anything?

    A: It seems that when your Momentum Meter is full and flashing, your finisher is then available. That was what we had to do to get Raven's Evenflo to work yesterday.

    Q: Will the Create a Wrestler be as good as Attitude?

    A: It's starting to become a stock answer, but once again, it's too early to tell. The CAW feature is there, but we can't wrestle with the guy we create. So far, here's what is adjustable:

    Edit Name: This includes the name of your wrestler, choosing a nickname for the announcers to call you (68 choices!), and who's moveset and finisher you use. Right now, moveset and finisher have to coincide with the wrestler chosen. This will probably be changed.

    mayh54t.jpg (4177bytes) mayh55t.jpg (4276bytes) mayh56t.jpg (4378bytes)

    Edit Appearance: Here you can decide Size (small, large, or powerful), Template (quick costumes), Skin Type, Face, Hair Syle, Hair Color, Facial Hair, Mask, Sunglasses, Head Piercing, Neck Tattoo, Head Wear, Shirt, Shirt Hem, Sleeve Length, Jacket, Necktie, Chains, Body Piercing, Chest Tattoo, Back Tattoo, Arm Bands, Elbow Pads, Hand Tie, Gloves, Left Arm Tattoo, Right Arm Tattoo, Arm Miscellaneous, Pants, Pant Length, Kneehole, Belt, Rear-End Logo, Pant Pattern, Left Leg Tattoo, Right Leg Tattoo, Kneepad Left, Kneepad Right, Boots, and T-Shirt Logo. We can't say how many options there are for each category because it freezes so often. We grabbed a few pics of what we could do.

    mayh57t.jpg (4439bytes) mayh58t.jpg (5k) mayh59t.jpg (4267bytes)

    Edit Personality: Faction (WCW, nWo Black & White, nWo Wolfpack, Horsemen, Cruiserweights, and Hardcore), Style (Technical, Dirty, Luchadore, or Power), Attitude (Babyface, Heel, or Neutral), and Intro Music (no options yet).

    Edit Abilities: All of the following are given a level on a bar that ranks between 1 to 10 - Strength, Impact, Speed, Quickness, Aerial, Mat Ability, Submission, Brawling, and Dirtiness.

    mayh60t.jpg (4293bytes) mayh61t.jpg (4343bytes) mayh62t.jpg (4361bytes)

    So there's the basics, but how well they work or shape up in the ring we can't say.

    Part VII

    To start this week off right, let's start with pics of all the non-hidden wrestlers as they appear in the Wrestler Select screen, shall we?

  • Goldberg
  • Sting
  • Diamond Dallas Page
  • Booker T
  • Buff Bagwell
  • Konnan
  • Ernest Miller
  • Curt Henning
  • Bobby Duncum, Jr.
  • Kenny Kaos
  • Norman Smiley
  • Wrath
  • Hollywood Hogan
  • Bret Hart
  • Randy Savage
  • Scott Steiner
  • Horace
  • Scott Norton
  • Stevie Ray
  • Kevin Nash
  • Lex Luger
  • Disco Inferno
  • Chris Benoit
  • Dean Malenko
  • Steve McMichael(ugh)
  • Rey Mysterio, Jr.
  • Kidman
  • Eddy Guerrero
  • Juventud Guerrera
  • Psychosis
  • Chavo Guerrero, Jr.
  • La Parka
  • Alex Wright
  • Kaz Hayashi
  • Lizmark Jr.
  • Prince Iaukea
  • Raven
  • Saturn
  • Kanyon

    Q: Does the game have Hollywood Hogan's Hendrix music or does he have the nWo theme?

    mayh102t.jpg (4169bytes) mayh103t.jpg (3027bytes) A: Actually, he comes into the ring to Wolfpak music. It's probably a safe bet that this could be changed rather easily once Hollywood makes up his mind which music to use now that he's face. It's unlikely that it will end up being the Hendrix theme (despite him playing the guitar on his entrance and that being our personal favorite Hogan music) because the rights to the song would cost EA extra money.

    As long as we're talking about entrances, from the pictures it's pretty obvious that they are very WarZone-ish. Almost every wrestler comes out to the fireworks streamers that programmers must be able to get in the effect bargain basement. If there's a weak point in Mayhem, it's the entrances. Will they be fixed? It can't be said with certainty, but they are probably one of the last things that will be worked on.

    Q: Since you said that there are 68 different nicknames (at least now) could you list at least some of them?

    A: We knew this question was coming. Tell you what, we'll list them all now and let you know if any more are added at a later time. For now, though, here they are:

    Sorcerer, Assassin, Black Ninja, Dark Samurai, White Paladin, Paladin, Knight, Black Knight, White Knight, Wizard, Hornet, Crippler, Avenger, Guardian, Stallion, Wolverine, Spider, Red Scorpion, Scorpion, Dragon, Red Dragon, Badger, Gorilla, Bear, Black Bear, Grizzly, Lion, Cheetah, Falcon, Demon, Fuego, Death, Kid, Kid Lightning, Mississippi Kid, Express, Pain Express, Ring King, King, Yellowjacket, Wasp, Pirate, Cyclops, Cyclone, Rage, Destruction, Mash, Devastation, Slammer, Fury, Red Fury, War Machine, El Maestro, Torment, Trauma, Bodybreaker, Heatseeker, Trooper, Muerte, Diablo, Il Medico, El Leon, El Gigante, Mystery Wrestler, Referee, Unknown Assailant, Disciple, and Nothing.

    Q: I heard that WCW Mayhem would have a feature where during PPVs, WCW would show a coded message and you type that into Mayhem so you could play the PPV with the same matches booked as the real PPV.

    A: This rumor has some merit, for indeed there is a PPV Password option in Mayhem. It's doubtful that WCW will air passwords during the PPV's themselves (maybe when Mayhem first releases), but they will most assuredly continue to do so on their website.

    Part VIII

    Q: In the Wrestler Select screen in some slots are "?????" could that mean a hidden wrestler?

    A: Definitely. Characters are unlocked through Mayhem's career mode, known as Quest For The Best. You start out vying for the TV title (with Chris Jericho as champ of that category). As you face people that aren't yet available, they become unlocked, or in the case of the picture, characters relevant to your wrestler become unlocked as you become more successful. In this case, Sonny Onoo unlocked after winning four matches with Ernest Miller.

    By the way, we don't know what comes after the Television Title. We're working on it, we're working on it!

    Q: I am confused on this fight anywhere in the arena. Is it like this, you start out in the ring and while fighting you can go backstage or anywhere else?

    mayh108t.jpg (4162bytes) mayh109t.jpg (4360bytes) A: All matches start in the ring. At any time during the match, you can opt to leave and head to the back. As long as you make it back there before the countout, the match goes on. What lies behind the door seems to be random. We've seen a locker room (pictured here), a parking lot, and a bathroom. Wrestlers do seem to get hurt worse in the back, but pinning isn't possible. Only once you return to the ring can the match be won.

    Q: Can I see a few entrances of the wrestlers coming out like DDP and Goldberg to see if they look the same?

    A: Sure. As perhaps you can tell from the pics, the entrance motions are different, but the pyros are exactly the same. Which truly sucks in the case of Goldberg. At least take the time to make a spark shower animation.


    mayh110t.jpg (3067bytes) mayh111t.jpg (3342bytes)

    mayh112t.jpg (3284bytes) mayh113t.jpg (3440bytes)

    Part IX

    Back again it is the incredible, wrestle animal, Jay, Mayhem player number one. Back from where? All over, actually, but in particular a meeting with WCW Mayhem producers in California. Therefore, we have a lot of info to share with y'all, the first of which is the complete list of the 56 people you can bring to the ring in Mayhem.

  • Alex Wright
  • Arn Anderson
  • Bam Bam Bigelow
  • Barry Windham
  • Bobby Blaze
  • Bobby Duncum Jr.
  • "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton
  • Booker T
  • Bret Hart
  • Buff Bagwell
  • Chavo Guerrero Jr.
  • Chris Benoit
  • Chris Jericho
  • Curt Henning
  • Diamond Dallas Page
  • Dean Malenko
  • Disco Inferno
  • Doug Dillinger
  • Eddy Guerrero
  • Eric Bischoff
  • Ernest "The Cat" Miller
  • Goldberg
  • Hollywood Hogan
  • Horace Hogan
  • Jimmy Hart
  • Juventud Guerrera
  • Kanyon
  • Kaz Hayashi
  • Kenny Kaos
  • Kevin Nash
  • Billy Kidman
  • Konnan
  • La Parka
  • Lash LeRoux
  • Lex Luger
  • Lizmark Jr.
  • Randy Savage
  • Mean Gene Okerlund
  • Norman Smiley
  • Prince Iaukea
  • Psychosis
  • Raven
  • Rey Mysterio Jr.
  • Ric Flair
  • Rick Steiner
  • Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker
  • Perry Saturn
  • Scott Hall
  • Scott Norton
  • Scott "Big Poppa Pump" Steiner
  • Sonny Onoo
  • Steve McMichael (again, ugh)
  • Stevie Ray
  • Sting (standard)
  • Sting (Wolfpac)
  • Wrath

    This list is final and definite, and answers a lot of lingering questions. Jericho is definitely in. Sid is definitely out. Let's repeat that to prevent the fifty emails we get a day with the same question. SID IS NOT IN MAYHEM! This list also shows that alternate costumes aren't a part of Mayhem. Only Sting (standard and Wolfpac versions) has more than one appearance.

    P.S. - Sorry about there being no pictures today. Taking a week off creates quite a backlog of work, y'know?

    Q: Will the champions come out with the belts when they win?

    A: According to EA, yes. We still haven't completed Quest for the Best to prove it, but the head designer was quick to point out that if a wrestler is a title holder, they lift the belt above their head and show it to the crowd before the match begins.

    Q: You said on Aug. 3rd that you could go to the back but have to be in the ring to pin. What about a No DQ, Falls Count Anywhere match???!?!?!?!?!?!?

    A: You're right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you were in that type of match, then you could indeed pin in the back.

    Q: Does Goldberg have his old entrance music or is it the new theme music by Megadeth called 'Crush 'em' when he comes out?

    A: Goldberg comes out to his old music, at least on the N64 version. We have in our hands a finalized version of the N64 Mayhem, and Goldberg will keep the old tunes on that version. Since the PS-X has sound that's easier to manipulate and change, and since it's still being worked on, Goldberg may change his tune there.

    Part X

    Before we begin today's WCW Better Call My Momma Because Big Poppa Pump Just Whupped Somebody Mayhem Page, we thought we'd make up for yesterday's lack of screen shots by posting 32 outtakes that didn't make it to our N64 WCW Mayhem magazine review page. By the way, until further notice, all of this page's pictures will be from the N64 Mayhem. Quite simply, it has better textures and takes better pictures.

    Winning the belt screen
    Big Poppa shows off his belt 1
    Big Poppa shows off his belt 2
    Buff's got no stuff in a Steiner Recliner
    Wolfpak Sting finishes Malenko
    Wolfpak Sting powerbombs Malenko
    Raven's Rules in the boiler room
    Steiners showing Hogan who's boss in back
    Hogan chokes the Big Booty Daddy
    Mysterio vs. Kidman
    Luchadore madness 1
    Luchadore madness 2
    Luchadore madness 3
    Luchadore madness 4
    Kaos faces Harlem Heat in the bathroom 1
    Kaos faces Harlem Heat in the bathroom 2
    The Henning-plex
    Buff & Malenko team up on Konnan in the back lot 1
    Buff & Malenko team up on Konnan in the back lot 2
    Buff & Malenko team up on Konnan in the back lot 3
    Buff & Malenko team up on Konnan in the back lot 4
    Booker T enters
    Goldberg vs. Sting in the ticket office
    Security camera follows Goldberg and Sting to the back
    Goldberg shows Sting his camel clutch
    Goldberg giving Sting a gorilla press 1
    Golberg giving Sting a gorilla press 2
    Cat crippling the Crippler
    Somebody call his momma
    Created wrestler vs. Lex Luger 1
    Created wrestler vs. Lex Luger 2
    Created wrestler entering the arena

    Q: I would like to reserve Mayhem but I don't know which system, PSX or N64, to reserve it on because I have both. As of now, which one seems to be looking better and what do you think will end up being better?

    A: Right now, we have a supposedly finished N64 version (we're not so sure it's quite done) and a close to finished PSX version. As you might expect, N64 has better graphics, PSX better sound. The gap between the two is much larger than say, Attitude, however. Right now, we're leaning towards the PSX version because the N64 only has Shiavone on commentary, and not having Heenan to rip on him on the wrestlers is a crime against nature.

    Q: If certain wrestlers are in PPVs that aren't in the videogame, how will that affect PPV Password mode? Would it glitch or would something else happen?

    A: According to EA producers, if the match has a person that isn't in the game, then that match won't play. Obviously, with all the changes that happen to a wrestling organization's roster in a year, this will cut out many matches as Mayhem ages, but that's what sequels are for.

    Q: I was over reading at IGN64 and it said you can even customize your name which would then be announced by the play-by-play team in the game! How would EA go about this and can you do this in the versions you have?

    A: Well, getting your wrestling info from those noodle arms is your first mistake (Hey, it's a wrestling page! We're allowed to trash talk, aren't we?). Anyway, they were partly right. The N64 version only announces the 24 nicknames available. The PSX version not only has more nicknames (68, wasn't it?), but also hidden names that are discovered by typing in different names for your wrestler. For example, all of the production team has their name in there. If you name your wrestler "Chuck" then the commentary team will announce his name. Including the nicknames, the PSX will have around 100 created wrestler names that the announcers will recognize.

    Part XI

    Q: OK, so, as we all know, La Parka does the La Parka Polka, Norman Smiley does the Big Wiggle, and The Cat Gets Down Wit' His Bad Self, Good Gawd... more importantly than that....Does Disco Inferno Hustle? Can we see it??

    mayh146t.jpg (2883bytes) mayh147t.jpg (2890bytes) A: It's funny, we get more requests to see so-and-so doing their dance steps than we do to see moves. Bah, enough inner reflection, here's the pic. Yes, Disco dances. (although you shouldn't have him do it when you play at home because, after all, he lost to The Cat and isn't supposed to dance anymore). Hey, as a bonus, we'll even throw in a shot of Alex Wright doing his moves (no, he hasn't moved on to the Berlin schtick in Mayhem).

    Q: Will there be women in the Wrester Create?

    A: No. But expect to see that feature in EA's next WCW game.

    Q: I got a little question for ya: Who's better than Kanyon? Could you please show a pic, showing Kanyon doing a Flatliner on that Mongo guy?

    mayh148t.jpg (3781bytes) mayh149t.jpg (3335bytes) A: EVERYBODY! No, no, no, you stupid idiots. You're supposed to say "Nobody" because nobody's better than Kanyon! All right, let's try it again. I'll say, "Who's better than Kanyon?" and you yell, "Nobody!" You got that? "Nobody!" Ok...Who sucks compared to Kanyon? EVERYBODY!!! Ha, ha, ha, you stupid suckers. You fell for it.

    Q: In the recent pictures and movies, I have noticed the words "PIN", "SUBMISSION", and "STUNNED" flashing across the screen. It is highly annoying, is there any way to make them go away?

    A: Actually, it's not as annoying as it looks in the pics. Alas, if you don't like it, there is no option to shut the word display off.

    Q: IS THERE A CAGE MATCH????????? Are you POSITIVE that it is not hidden?

    A: While we can't say for sure that it isn't hidden, we would be willing to wager a large sum of money that there is no cage match in Mayhem. What's our proof of this? First off, it isn't listed on EA's fact sheet that came with the game. PR people use this to hype up the game and they list any minor detail they consider a feature. Secondly, the head producer said so (but he did drop a hint that it was planned for their next EA title). Thirdly, Mayhem concentrates on the backstage action. Think about it, 12 backstage areas have been made, and although a cage match may seem like an elementary option, it does require more animations (cage climbing) and raises more graphical questions (how do we have the wrestlers enter and get into the cage?).

    Part XII

    Q: Ok, I've seen some screens of the button combos to do the moves, they are very simple. But I only saw about 5 for each position, does that mean there aren't going to be many moves in the game, or will there be plenty?

    A: This is how it works for N64, and the PSX has just as many button combos, but obviously uses different buttons. A, Left C, and Down C each perform a different punch or kick. Pressing these while pushing a direction does a different punch or kick. B is the grapple button. While grappling, A, B, Left C, and Down C perform a move. If you push up while pressing these, you get different moves; if you push down while pressing these, you get more moves. Therefore, while in standing grapple, there are 12 moves to perform. In addition, each wrestler has (as near as we can tell) 2 corner moves, 2 Irish Whip moves, 2 running moves, 2 taunts, 3 weapon swings, 8 opponent on ground moves, 4 reversals, and 2 top rope moves. There's probably a few more we've forgotten, but hopefully this gives you an idea of amount of moves.

    Q: The Cage match isn't in the game. OK, but can you tell me all the other game mode? Is there a Battle Royal like Royal Rumble?

    A: The match types available are Singles, Handicap (2 on 1), Triangle, Four Way Dance, Battle Royal (like 4-way dance, but you have to throw people over the top rope), and Tag-Team. Match rule options are No DQ, Weapons Match, Pin Anywhere, and Raven's Rules. As you can see, nowhere near the options of Attitude.

    Q: I downloaded some intro movies and some wrestlers (Bret Hart, Ernest Miller) did not have their own theme music. Instead, they had some lame music playing. I was wondering, did EA just not put their music in yet, or they won't even have it at all?

    A: It looks like the N64 version does not have everyone's theme music. The PSX version is looking better and better.

    Q: I need to know more about the Quest for the Best , so please tell me everything you can about it.

    A: You start out wrestling for the TV title. If you win five matches, you get it. You then go into competition for the US Title. Again, after five matches you've got it, but you then have to defend it five times. After that, you go on to challenge for the World Title. If you win five matches, you get the title, but you then have to defend it 18 (!) times to win the Quest. This might not seem like a lot of matches, but we'd like to add that the AI on Mayhem is truly brutal and devious. Easy difficulty is a breeze, Medium will make you work, and Hard is an absolute bitch. The one match we've won on Hard difficulty took 22 minutes!

    Quest for the Best is also how you unlock characters. You have to play certain characters on certain difficulties. As you climb the ranks, people you face become unlocked, which brings us to our next question...

    Q: When will we see a picture of the man, the LionHeart, Chris Jericho? I have wrote 3 times and have not seen one picture of him in the game?

    A: We hear ya buddy! Believe us, when we first got Mayhem, we had a Y2J plan, but Jericho is a hidden character. Ok, so just unlock the Iotola of Rock 'n Rola, right? Well, we've almost finished taking the Big Booty Daddy through QftB on Medium, and he hasn't shown up yet. If it turns out we have to finish the Quest on hard, you'll probably never see him here. Our new (blatant plug) September issue not only has a few pictures of Jericho in Mayhem, but also a 2 page interview with the man exactly two weeks before he jumped ship. You should see it on newsstands in a couple weeks. In the meantime, we'll keep on working on unlocking him.

    Q: Could you PLEASE put up a picture of Wrath doing the Meltdown to that no talented male dancer, Buff?

    mayh150t.jpg (3325bytes) mayh151t.jpg (3146bytes) A: Gladly. You know, we hadn't seen the Meltdown until we got this question. It's got to be one of the cooler animations in Mayhem. This is also a good time to mention that finishers are the only moves in the game that cannot be reversed. So when you get that Momentum Meter up there, your opponent has a reason to be in fear.

    Q: Will Goldberg have his spear move in Mayhem? When Goldberg does his jackhammer, will he hold the guy up there for a couple of seconds?

    mayh152t.jpg (3361bytes) mayh153t.jpg (3511bytes) A: The pictures say it all. The spear is hard to catch. He can do it, but after ten tries, the closest we got is the picture that looks like both combatants are taking a nap. Goldberg does hold his opponent up for a few seconds. By the way, anyone else of the opinion that WCW is a lot more exciting with the man back in action?

    Part XIII

    mayh154t.jpg (4234bytes) In our quest to move the Millenium Countdown along and unlock Jericho in Mayhem, we discovered a little interesting fact that we thought y'all would like to know. If you play a cruiserweight in Mayhem's Quest for the Best, you first start by competing for the TV Title, then you challenge for the Cruiserweight Belt (instead of the US Title), and then you go for the World Title as per usual. And now for our most commonly asked question of the weekend.

    Q: Could you please show some pictures of Hogan in the Red and Yellow?

    A: We could find a pic from another game of the red and yellow Hogan, but no, there is no such picture to take in Mayhem. It's just another example of wrestling's storylines moving faster than the wrestling games can come out. EA was barely able to get in the new Nitro set. With Mayhem, it's nWo Hollywood Hogan or nothing.

    Q: You told us the options for the matches (No DQ, Weapons Match, Pin Anywhere, and Raven's Rules). What exactly does Raven's rules mean?

    A: Not much, since the default setting for the game is to play with no countout, no DQ, and with pin counting anywhere. All Raven's Rules does is turn all these things on (if you have them off) with one setting.

    Q: In Quest for the Best, is there tag-team matches? Is it random rings you go to?

    A: There is no Tag-Team Quest in Mayhem. It does appear that you go to random rings in QFTB.

    Q: Which wrestlers have their own theme music in the N64 version of Mayhem?

    A: Get ready to not be dazzled. The wrestlers who have their themes in the N64 Mayhem: DDP, Goldberg, Buff Bagwell, Macho Man, Konnan, and Sting.

    Q: Will weapons be thrown in the ring or will a wrestler have to pick one out of the crowd, and how many different weapons will be in the game?

    mayh155t.jpg (4000bytes) mayh156t.jpg (3930bytes) A: Every match starts with two chairs laying outside the ring. If you go to the back, there are always four weapons waiting for you (things that come to mind are chairs, broken tables, trash cans, Singapore Cane, pipes, baseball bats, the tazer, and the kitchen sink). In a Weapons Match, there are three weapons in the ring.

    Part XIV

    Today's Q&A may be short and without pictures, but you get two days worth of updates in one. There was a Q&A all ready to roll yesterday, but it just didn't get posted. A perfect example of what happens when a person leaves early to go watch wrestling, assuming the others will remember to put up something in their abscence. We've all learned something, haven't we?

    Q: Can Rey Mysterio pick up Kevin Nash?

    A: Well, if he got the right angle on him and Nash didn't resist, then Rey could probably pick him up. Not press him over his head or anything, but just lift him a little off the ground. Hey, as long as we're on the subject, let's see if Rey can lift Nash in Mayhem. Ummmm...nope, he can't. It's kind of a trick question, however, since none of Rey's moves involve lifting anyone. So the true answer is that Rey (and all cruiserweights) cannot lift Nash or anyone else.

    Q: You say that Mayhem is nowhere near Attitude so how do you compare it with Warzone & Revenge?

    A: Now hold on there, buckaroo. I don't believe we've ever said that Attitude is better than Mayhem. We reserve judgement like that for the magazine. We may have said Attitude's Create-a-Wrestler is better, but on the flip side, Mayhem's back room fighting and fluidity of motion is better. We could go on and on, but let's just get to the question at hand. In a nutshell, you could say the Mayhem wrestlers look like Attitudes, but move at a speed comparable to Revenge.

    Q: How devastating are the signatures moves? Can opponents kick-out after receiving one?

    A: Considering that you can only do finishers when your Momentum Meter is full, the finishers don't help you in that respect. Consider them the final nail in the casket. After you do a finisher, your opponent stays down for a long time. Also, after you win a match, it's nice that the loser stays on the mat (or floor) for a while. You have to let the victory sequence play for a while before the loser finally gets up and drags their sorry ass to the back.

    Part XV

    Where have we been? As always, once every month we throw all other things out the door and concentrate on finishing the magazine. This month was a little tighter than most (we put together both the October issue and a Final Fantasy 5, 6, 7, & 8 walkthrough), so we ended up taking three days off this page rather than one.

    This week, we move on over to the PS-X version of Mayhem, mostly because we just can't bear to listen to a solo Shiavone any longer. This will also be the final week of the WCW Better Call My Momma Because Big Poppa Pump Just Whupped Somebody Mayhem Page. The game will be out shortly, we've got the N64 review in the October issue (and presumably the PS-X review in the November), and we've got another wrestler to move on to with the initials WM2K (by the way, we were at SummerSlam last night and it, for lack of a better phrase, kicked ass).

    To start off this week, here's some screens of the PS-X Mayhem's intro. It's accompanied by a song created for Mayhem, which is actually better than a lot of songs that WCW wrestlers have. In this little opening vignette, it seems some WCW technicians go too far and create something completely out of control: Goldberg. By the way, in case you were curious, we are completely partial to the PS-X version of Mayhem.

    Intro Shot 1
    Intro Shot 2
    Intro Shot 3
    Intro Shot 4
    Intro Shot 5
    Intro Shot 6
    Intro Shot 7

    Q: Can you show a picture of Bret Hart putting Hollywood Hogan in his place with the Sharpshooter?

    mayh164t.jpg (3824bytes) mayh165t.jpg (3275bytes) A: Here it is from two different angles. The big question we always ask ourselves is, which hurts worse: the Sharpshooter or the Figure-Four Leglock? Ponder that for a moment and then take a look at the follow up question to this one.

    Q: Could you please show a picture of Hogan leg droping Kevin Nash, showing him who's boss of the WolfPak?

    mayh166t.jpg (3988bytes) mayh167t.jpg (3862bytes) A: For every action, there's an equal and opposite foot action. Or something like that. An interesting note about finishers: If they aren't from a standing position, they're performed as a normal move (rather than using the finisher button) once you get the momentum up high enough.

    Q: Is it just me or is EA trying to make the PSX version of Mayhem better. They get "the brain" for commentary, and now they get all of the real theme music. What are the doing? Its not like they couldn't fit it on the game, RE2 N64 is going to have all of the FMV and talking that the PSX version did. So what is there excuse for there laziness, if Capcom can do it then way can't EA do it?

    A: This guy wanted us to read this letter so bad, he sent it to us five time under 5 different addresses. Unfortunately, he neglected to space out the timing, so we got the same letter from 5 different people one after the other. Hmmm...wonder what's going on?

    Anyway, where this guy gets off calling EA "lazy" is beyond us. In the first case, EA has built an entirely new engine and finished their project on time. EA probably could have gotten more onto the N64 version, but would have fallen behind and pissed a lot of people off (ala Attitude). As for comparing the upcoming RE2 to Mayhem, let's just remind you that RE2 will be the first 512 Megabit cart (256 being the former top-end). How much do you think that will cost? Additionally, why would EA try to make one version better than another?

    If you consider finishing a new game engine on time, without having to resort to expanding the cart size beyond assigned means, lazy, then I guess there's no pleasing you. By the way, what games have you worked on that justify you belittling other design teams?

    Part XVI

    Q: How come you haven't shown any photos of the BEST cruiserweight around, Kidman, doing his mostest famous move, the Shooting Star Press?

    A: We just did.

    Q: Can you please show me a picture of Randy Savage doing the elbow drop?

    A: Yes. Unfortunately, as you can see, some jerk in the audience took a flash picture, ruining our otherwise fabulous shot. Or maybe Savage forgot to take his watch off.

    Q: Could you show the Diamond Cutter?

    A: Sure.

    Q: Can you choose who runs in for you when you need help in a match?

    A: Nope. Run Ins do usually make sense, though. If you're in trouble, then a person that is normally allied with your wrestler in WCW will come in to make the save. For example, Stevie Ray will run in for Booker T, Scott Norton will run in for Horace, and Sonny Onoo will run in for the world's greatest entertainer, Ernest "The Cat" Miller.

    Q: I have a weird question, has EA started to make a new WCW game besides Mayhem?

    A: What's so weird about that question? Considering some of the other freaks that write in, your question seems like the only sensible thing we've been asked. To answer you, yes, EA has started the process of making their next game, but it's only at the planning stage right now.

    EA plans to make five WCW games under its five year agreement with WCW, so expect a game a year from them. Plans for the next title that they've divulged to us so far are fighting in the PPV sets and in the audience, women wrestlers and women in the Wrestler Create, the addition of the cage match, and more match types in general.

    Part XVII

    Somebody call our mama, we're about to whip this page. Welcome to the next to the last day for the WCW Better Call My Momma Because Big Poppa Pump Just Whupped Somebody Mayhem Page. Today we take a few more questions and requests, and we'll probably do the same thing tomorrow, but we'll also be answering those questions among questions: Is Mayhem better than Attitude? Which version of Mayhem should I get? Why is Scott Steiner such a genetic freak? Things like that.

    Q: Can you please show me a picture of Juventud Guerrera doing the JuviDriver and 450 Splash?

    A: You want to see both a JuviDriver and the 450 Splash? Oh alright. By the way, Juvi does put himself into a little ball to do the 450, but we could only get a shot of him coming out of it.

    We's also like to correct a previous statement we made. The Momentum Meter only has to be full and flashing for the wrestler to do a standing finisher. So someone like Juvi or Kidman, who do a finisher off the top turnbuckle, can perform their maneuvers as soon as they can get their opponents to lie still on the mat.

    Q: What is Saturn's move in the game, is it the DVD or the Rings of Saturn. What ever it is can you show a pic of it?

    A: Saturn's finisher is the DVD, and yes we can show a picture of it.

    Q: In your Next Q/A, Could I please see a picture of Kevin Nash doing the Jacknife/Powerbomb?

    A: Yes.

    Q: I've noticed, as many other people probably have, that the way they stand in Mayhem is really weird. Warzone and Attitude's postures were strange enough, but Mayhem seems even worse. Is there a reason for this and do you think it will be fixed before its release?

    A: Ah yes, that ready to play bloody knuckles, kinda come se come sa neutral standing position. The only reason we can think of why they stand like this is it looks like the way wrestler's arms are held before they lock up. Will it be fixed? Nope, that's the way it stands.

    Q: Are the wrestlers going to bleed when they get hit with a weapon?

    A: The wrestlers aren't going to bleed, period. No matter how many times you smack someone with a chair in the head, you will see no blood a flowing.

    Q: Who is the Ragin Cajun, I never heard of him before. Is it a CAW or something?

    A: This is one of those cases where one question answers another. To quote another reader's question, "Is there anyway I can see everyone's favorite redheaded jobber, the "Ragin' Cajun" Lash LeRoux in action?" The answer to the answer is, you did in the picture of Chris Jericho. Well, if you call that action.

    Part XVIII

    Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the last day of the WCW Better Call My Momma Because Big Poppa Pump Just Whupped Somebody Mayhem Page. It has been our sincere pleasure to once more try and give you as much information as possible about the newest wrestling game coming out. Our only regret is having to take so many days off from the page.

    We will meet again on Wednesday, September 1. On that day we'll be opening our WrestleMania 2000 page (which will eventually turn into a Q&A) and posting our Attitude move list in our Play to Perfection section. See you then.

    And now for the big questions...

    Q: In your honest opinion, which game is better, Mayhem or Revenge?

    A: Mayhem's controls are almost a dead ringer for Revenge's. Almost. The setup is the same, but Revenge definitely has more moves. Revenge also has a lot more personality. Due to these factors, we put Revenge above Mayhem on the N64.

    Q: Which is better, Mayhem or Attitude?

    A: In the long haul, Attitude comes out on top. BUT, and that's a big but, anybody who is a wrestling game fan (and we assume most readers of this page are) should definitely see what's been done on Mayhem. As a built from scratch first run at a wrestling engine, Mayhem is truly impressive. There are a lot of features that you'll be seeing taken by other wrestling games in the future. One of our biggest complaints with Mayhem is addressed in the next question.

    Q: Could you show me [blank] doing the [blank]?

    A: In too many cases, the answer is no. Many wrestlers were missing many trademark moves. Everybody had plenty to choose from, but Mayhem certainly isn't a rigorous examination of WCW's maneuvers.

    Q: Which mayhem version of the game would you push towards? PlayStation or Nintendo 64?

    A: Without question, the PS-X version. With the N64, Shiavone talking alone gets repetitive way too fast. On the PlayStation, however, Brain makes listening to Shiavone more palatable. In fact, it's the most impressive commentary we've ever heard in a wrestling game. After some time is spent with it, you'll hear things repeat, but Bobby still surprises us with a new Heenanism once in a while.

    And for our final question/statement.

    Q: I think you should just shut up.

    A: Noted and obeyed.

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