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The Ultimate DBZ RPG!!!

This site has been hacked and will be reconstructed. On a somewhat humorous side note, it seems that these hackers were a few weeks too late, as all files were transfered to a new account sometime in early June. All info is currently active, and availible, but the layout is not complete, and certain things need to be fixed still. Look for it to be linked up, and finished in July. Oh and all those hackers can kiss my big, hairy ass. You morons, I was gonna shut the site down during the transfer anyway, looks like you guys just did a job for me. Thanks for your help :-)

PS: I figured that you loyal members would need something to tide you over so, voila! The Ultimate GundamWing RPG Created and owned by your's truly. (And Soem Other Kids) I made it over the past 3 months. It's not finished (about 95% complete), but it's playable, and contains many features. Have fun!