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DuStBuNnY's PuNk AsS hOmE pAgE




HEEEELO This is The Late Great Dustbunny McHowlett i am your host for this Craptacular web site!!!...weve got Links, Band reviews, Poetry and Stories...but dont horse arround my Gard Dogs, Doyle and Jerry are watching you...and dont Give shit to the Janitor Dr. Frank hes doing a good out For Sidney down below hes as mean as he like to thank Nick and Vermin for their help...and to all of you i say POGUE MAHONE!
...To Learn more about me your host go here ME

That's all, folks...=)
(we are way under construction (last update 4/29/03) and have a lot more to do please bear with me and E-mail me at Official Purity Test

Cool Punk-ska-geek bands

--The Waltiers are a local Chicago land band with influences from Elvis Costello, They Might Be Giants, and Ween...and the Guitarist/Singer is my Brother so all obey him!

--Screeching Weasel- an awsome Punk band that started here in the Chicago land

--(unofficial home page) The Queers-a cool New England based Punk band that That totally rules they are like mixing the Ramones with the Beachboys!

--The Vandals-an awsome Punk band that rawks

--a Tribute to Sid Vicous (the Bassist not the wrestler

--The Pogues-an Awsome Irish Band with a slight twist of Punk

--Penny And The Loafers- A great Ska band from the south suburbs of Chicago and a personal favorite of mine check em out!

--The Kill-O-Watts are a rocking Weezer infulenced Geekrockish band from Peoria Il. they are a treat for the ears so go and support them!

--Rissle A Geek Rock band from Tinley Park!

--A GREAT power-pop/ Punk rock band from the southside!!(of chicago that is)!


Some sites ran by freinds and fiends alike (a quote of the Misfits)..oh yeah and links to other parts of my page to!!!!!!

Aaron's web page he says it is crappy but it is ok
this Page belongs to Aape
Trolls ABC's of Bands that kick Ass

This is a brand new part were i will put in stories and poetry ussually by me, but my freinds can send me things to add if they want to! My Stories


Hi Dustin, this is aaron. Panic Attack Rock. I <3 Screeching Weasel. Girls Are DUMB!!!
"I don't even know what I am, but I know what I'm not." Ben Weasel

this page was made entirely by Dustin.
© Dustbunny Darko 1346-2002
actually it has been brought to our attention that "Dustbunny's punk ass page" was written entirely by dee dee ramone with minimal input from richard hell and no help whatsoever by those other two clowns Dustin--