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The Chodl Auditorium is among the largest non commercial proscenium Theatres in the Chicago metropolitan area. It is extensively used by the Theatre, Music, and Student Activities Departments of the school. The variety of in school programs and presentations hosted here include: student government meetings, multi media assemblies, the famed Ballet Legere production of The Nutcracker and regular performances of literary and cultural productions by the National Theatre for the Performing Arts Ltd.. The entire student body benefits by attending many of these performances.

The room also serves as a cultural hub of many community artistic endeavors. The Polish Lira Ensemble, the Lithuanian Opera Company, The Centro Ciudad Vida Abundante as well as the Ballet Legere also call Morton’s Chodl Auditorium home for their annual events.

This auditorium was built to replace the 1200 seat auditorium that burned with the original Morton High School in December 1924. A decision was made to make the new auditorium a multi purpose room; that instead of building g a gymnasium with a stage on one end that it would be more advantageous to build an auditorium with a gym on one end! The Morton basketball team played its' games and the P.E. classes were held on this stage for forty years. They relinquished full control of the room to the Theatre Department when the Annex complex was completed thirty years ago.

When the auditorium was completed in December of 1927 Mr. Harry Victor Church, the high school superintendent announced at the dedication, "children, here is your Christmas present". It turned out to be the true gift that keeps on giving.