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Dylan Parker Heap Spensley

Born: May 25, 1999

Time: 1:41 p.m.

Length: 20.5 inches

Weight: 8 lbs., 0 oz.

18 hrs old

2 days old 2 wks old

5 wks old 9 wks old

12 wks/3mths

There are more pics of

me at this link:

5/25/99 - 8lbs.,0oz. - 20 1/2 in.

6/1/99 - 7lbs.,15oz. - 20 1/2 in.

6/7/99 - 8lbs.,7oz. - 20 1/2 in.

6/24/99 - 10lbs.,2oz. - 21 1/2 in.

8/6/99 - 13lbs.,0oz. - 23 inches

9/2/99 - 14lbs.,12oz. - length unk.

10/11/99 - 16lbs.,8oz. - length unk.

10/26/99 - 17lbs.,2oz. - 26 1/2 in.

11/12/99 - 18lbs.,2oz. - length unk.

Dylan can now roll over from front

to back and back to front. He

hasn't yet began crawling, but I

have a feeling it won't be long. He

can "scoot" pretty well. He is also

trying to hold his own bottle once

in awhile. :-) Dylan enjoys watching

Teletubbies and Barney every

morning if he's awake. Otherwise,

he doesn't get to watch tv. He

doesn't like Sesame Street too

well, but I imagine that will change

as he gets older. Dylan can hold all

of his toys - (and throw them). He

has a strong grip. He's already

TRYING to get into and touch

everything he possibly can. If he's

this way now, I hate to see what

he'll be like when he can move

around or walk... hee hee...

Dylan has been eating baby jar fruits

and vegetables for awhile now - at his

last dr. visit, the pediatrician told me

to begin table foods! This will be an

exciting and interesting journey...


E-mail me!




This page last updated Nov.16,1999