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9-6-00 SARAH IS 4 TODAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE Love, Mom, Dad, Matt & Ryan
7-17-00 Sorry All for such a long time writing.... Sarah went in for treatment today, antibodies and Chemo injection... Delay due to her line having a blood clot... So much has happened in the last two months.... Sarah's Grandfather (my dad) had a angiogram with complications, then had a pacemaker, several days later Sarah's grandmother (My Mom) went in for a biopsy, all went well, sigh..... They just celebrated their 40th anniversary...Thanks for all you prayers... New pictures, artwork etc soon, please bear with me while I get my feet back on the ground...
5-3-00 Sarah needed Morphine and a 8hr transfusion of antibodies........5-4-00 Sarah was released today ..... Got home and received a call that the blood cultures came up positive.... need to go back 5-4-00 to retest.
4-30-00 Sarah is in the Hospital with 104.5 fever...... Please keep her in your thoughts a prayers. Get those VCRs ready Sarah will be on Oprah 5/8...... thanking the Project Linus Founder, Karen...... 
4-27-00 Sarah was on Oprah...... thanking the Project Linus Founder...... show will air Monday 5/8
4-26-00  Sarah's had her blood counts taken today. The values are dropping, we are stopping Chemo for the week. If she gets a fever we will have to admit her. WBC 1.0, HG 9.9, Plt 349,000, ANC 360.....
We just returned from Sarah's "Make a Wish" to Disney. We had a wonderful time.. Take a look at our pictures... more to come...
3/3/00 Sarah had a Spinal tap, chemo meds and a bone marrow sample taken from her hip.  She had gotten sick after leaving clinic and is sore and tired.  But, she is back in Maintenance!  Which means, meds at home and visits once a month, hopefully to clinic.  Spinal taps will drop to just once ever three months.
2/21/00 Made it through the weekend without being admitted.  Need to go to an unscheduled clinic visit.  Sarah's counts required her to get a transfusion.
2/19/00 Had to take Sarah to the Hospital again today, her counts are low and she is running a fever.  Are in the ER from approx 5:30pm to 1:00am.  Sarah's counts are borderline so we are allowed to make the decision to admit her or take her home.  

Since she has been in the hospital the for 3 of the last 6 weeks, we elect to take her home.  If she has another fever this weekend we will have to take her back in.  

Will go to clinic on Monday, will probably need blood transfusion, none in reserve for Sarah.


 Sarah is home from the Hospital.......Yippee! Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers


Special thanks to: 
  • Uncle Steve and his other artistic friend that came up with the "Something for Little Sarah" logo.
  • The Martin family for the FrontPage 2000 gift, so dad could improve the appearance of our site.
  • A special thanks to the family, friends and complete strangers that have donated blood and platelets, without them there would be no hope.