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Strategic changes in the world and in the Middle East since 1985
Which (should) affect the Israeli activity in the South Lebanon security zone.

Written by Danni Reshef. English Translation by Irit Katriel.

1. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990, there exists only one
super-power. This has limited the Syrian maneuverability between the
former two super-powers.

2. Syria has transformed from a state that supports international terrorism
into one that seeks to be taken off of the American list of terrorist states.
This has been a central Syrian political goal since the Gulf war. (1991)

3. Lebanon has changed, with Syrian support and sponsorship, from an
Anarchy into an authoritative centralized regime.

4. Syria moved from limited involvement in Lebanon, in accordance
with the "red line" agreement of 1976, to full domination of Lebanon.
This is recognized by the international community.

5. The Lebanese society, including the Hizbullah, moved since 1992 from
sectoral class nationalism to all-Lebanese and non-sectoral nationalism,
which encapsulates a commitment to the peace of its citizens and the
development of Lebanon.

6. A political agreement, with international backup and active Syrian
participation has been achieved. This agreement recognizes Israel's
right of security on the northern border, but also of the right of the
Lebanese to fight the Israeli forces inside Lebanon, within the framework
of 'resistance to a foreign occupator'. ("Grapes of wrath", April 1996).

7. Iran has turned, especially since the election of president Hatami in
1996, from a detached and extremist Islamic state into one that seeks
openness and economic ties with the west. Within this framework,
Iran ceased all support of international terrorism activities, including
international operations of Hizbullah.

8. Instead of Palestinian forces, common foes of Israel and the population
of south Lebanon, the enemy is now Hizbullah, which has family ties and
common religion and sectoral characteritics with many in south Lebanon
and has gained the support of large parts of the population.

9. The Hizbullah has transformed from an Islamic international terrorism
organization into a Lebanese political organization which is committed,
according to it's own statements, to the political interests of Lebanon as
defined by the Lebanese Parliament, especially since 1992 when it began
to participate in the Lebanese elections.

10. The threat to Israel has changed from that of Palestinian terrorists that
cross the border into Israel, into that of missile attacks that threaten a wide
population. The security zone does not provide a solution to this threat.

11. The I.D.F has turned from a friendly, helpful army into an occupator
and oppressor.

Despite all this, the Israeli policies and activities in South Lebanon
have not changed (neither strategically nor tactically) since the
creation of the security zone in 1985.

Danni Reshef was recently released from the I.D.F after serving as an
intelligence officer for 10 years, most of which he spent in South