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Brandi's Page

Welcome to my page!!!! My name is Brandi... I live in Alton IL... I'm gonna tell ya a lil about myself... I was born on May 12th '79... (Feel free to send b-day cards w/ money, LMAO) I have 2 kiddos... Andy and Destiny... My children mean more to me than anything in this world... I want to have 2 more kids in the FAR future... I want another boy and another girl, but I will be happy w/ whatever GOD gives me... Ummmmm... That's really all about me...


Me and My Son Andy

This is my son Anthony (Andy) Eugene and me... He is named after my best friend who died when he was 13 by a drunk driver... This pic was taken in Nov of '97... I had him when I was 16... It was a very easy pregnancy but a VERY hard labor and delivery... I had toxcemia... (high blood pressure and water weight gain) It was very scary... I had to be induced (25 days early) Which means that they started my labor with what I call the devil's drip (pit)... I was in labor for 11.5 hours... 8 of those hours I went w/o any drugs... After those 8 hours I was BEGGING for an Epi... After I got the Epi I didn't feel a thing... Andy was born at 9:36 PM on Nov 4th and weighed 6lbs 1.5oz.. He was 19.5 inches long...

My Angel Destiny

This is my daughter Destiny... She was born on Dec 14th '98, at 5:09am... She was 7lbs 3oz and 19in long... I had a few problems when I was preggo w/ her... I had to be put in the hospital for my blood pressure... They found out that it was due to stress... My labor was VERY easy... I got up and went to the bathroom and started getting crampy... I walked around for a while and got pretty bored... So I got online and talked to a few people for a while and they started timing my contrax... They kept yelling at me to wake my dad up cause I needed to get to the hospital... I finally woke him up and we went to the hospital... I was in labor for 4.5 hours and only had to push 4 times... After she was born I asked what she was (I didn't know yet) and someone said "It's a girl, I think" I yelled "YOU THINK?!?!?" She had her legs closed VERY tight to her and they couldn't really tell... When they handed her to me I started crying... It was one of the happiest moments of my life... She's my lil angel...

My Kiddos


Some kick arse links

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Have Your Ex Murdered By A Serial Killer
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