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The Pleiades Society

The Future Begins Here


What is the Pleiades Society? The Pleiades Society is an organization that is has one main goal. The goal is to find a planet for the human race to colonize.

    Why leave Planet Earth?
  1. This planet is overcrowding and resources is dwindling.
  2. As resources dwindle governments take away freedom.
  3. It is the destiny of the Human Race to travel the stars.

The Committees of The Pleiades Society
Planetary Committee
This Committee will find a planet that habitable for the human race.
Finacial Committee
This Committee wil help raise funds for the Pleiades Society.
Ship Desgin Commitee
This Committee will help design the a colony type ship.

If you are interested please e-mail me at and tell me what committee you want to be in.

To The Stars