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A very dumb hacker decided it would be funny to hack into this site and delete everything on it. He also thought it would be funny to tell me this. Gee, how creative. Too bad he's not the first to do it! Well, although it's a pain, I'll have the site back up shortly. Check back soon!

Note to hacker:

1. Unless I'm some 12 year old who doesn't know much more than how to turn on a computer (which I'm not) then I'd probably have back-up files for my site. (which I do)

2. If you're so good at hacking, you might have tried to cover your tracks a little better. You know, sending me an e-mail give me the power to track your IP address. Heard of Cisco? Well I'll be working for them this summer. Think I don't know much about computers? Don't push me to test my knowledge.

Stay 'n sync!