The Fact and the Fiction

Let's start with my very favorite Monkee, Peter...

Look at the picture and tell me you don't see the resemblance! And look, Kermit plays the banjo too!!!
Other similarities...

  • Peter directed the Monkees eppie "Monkees Mind Their Manor"
  • Kermit directed the "Muppet Movie".

Don't you think Gonzo kinda looks like Davy in "Head" during the "Daddy's Song" dance?? Who knows, maybe Gonzo is doing the "Daddy's Song" dance!?!
Other similarities...

  • Gonzo: From Outer Space
  • Davy: From Merry 'ole England!

  • Gonzo: Always surrounded by chickens
  • Davy: Always surrounded by chicks

Don't see the connection?? Check out the hair!
Other similarities...

  • Animal: Likes to blow things up.
  • Micky: Likes to blow things up. (See "Monkee Vs.Machine")

  • Animal: Goes crazy when playing his drums.
  • Micky: Goes crazy when playing his drums. (Thanks to Rose for this one!)

Okay, so maybe I'm really stretching it here, but hey, they seem to have the same taste in eyewear!

  • Zoot: Trys to play the sax.
  • Mike: Tried to play the sax in high school, with less success than Zoot! (Thanks to Rose for this one too!)

    Other "Coincidences"

    • Monkees: Unicycles
    • Muppets: Bicyces

    • Monkees: Micky's cheezy comedy routine in "Too Many Girls
    • Muppets: Fozzie's cheezy comedy routine in "The Muppet Movie"

    • Monkees: Talk to the camera.
    • Muppets: Talk to the camera.

    • Monkees: Often break out the script for quick referance.
    • Muppets: Often break out the script in an effort to speed things up and not bore the audience.

    • Monkees: Had a "lame" "woodie" styled car at one time.
    • Muppets: Bought a "lame "woodie" styled car for $11.95!

    • Monkees: Don Kirshner
    • Muppets: Doc Hopper

    • Monkees: "I'll Be Back Up On My Feet"
    • Muppets: "Movin' Right Along"

    • Monkees: "As We Go Along"
    • Muppets: "The Rainbow Connection"

    • Monkees: Davy does starry-eyed thing when comes in contact with a groovy chick.
    • Muppets: Kermit does starry-eyed thing when comes in contact with a fat pig.

    • Monkees: Have various romps in various places.
    • Muppets: Have various romps in various places.

    • Monkees: Had stars of other shows make "guest appearances". (EX. "Jeanie" shows up in "The Spy that Came In From the Cool".)
    • Muppets: Had stars of other shows make "guest appearnces". (EX. "Big Bird" shows up in "The Muppet Movie")

    • Monkees: Some answered ad to "come down" and become Monkees
    • Muppets: Kermit answered ad for frogs in "The Muppet Movie"

    • Monkees: Pressure to sell out from Kirshner.
    • Muppets: Kermit had pressure to sell his legs from Doc Hopper.

    • Monkees: Some episodes directed by James Frawley
    • Muppets: (Probably the biggest reason why they're so much alike) James Frawley directed "The Muppet Movie".

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