Conlucas says...

In case you can't tell this is a parody of Confusous or however you spell his name

If you love something set it free, if it comes back as a puff daddy remix, shoot it

If you are are a dirty slut, the address for me is 416 S. Walnut

If Salmon is too big to fit in stream, use some lubracent cream

To prevent a serious case of blush, remember condom wrappers do not flush

Do not touch anyone who looks like Britney Spears, after you've had about 50 beers

When your house is being raided by a cop, make sure you delete the nudey of his wife off of your labtop

it if the shoe doesn't fit take it back you idiot

If you cant win in a fight, pull out a gun and do it right

If your man wants to go, get a condom with a hole

Try your hardest at work, if you're shown up, kill the jerk

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