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The Time Machine, Part One: Take a Giant Step

Take a Giant Step
(Gerry Goffin/Carole King)
(Lead sung by Micky Dolenz)
Though you've played at love and lost
And sorrows turned your heart to frost
I will melt your heart again
Remember the feeling as a child
When you woke up and morning smiled
It's time you felt like you did then
There's just no percentage in remembering the past
It's time you learn to live again at last
Come with me leave yesterday behind
And take a giant step outside your mind
You stare at me in disbelief
Say for you, there's no relief
But, I sware, I'll prove you wrong
Don't sit in your lonely room
Just staring back in silent gloom
That's not where you belong
Come with me I'll take you where the taste of life is green
And every day holds wonders to be seen
Come with me leave yesterday behind
And take a giant step outside your mind
Come with me I'll take you where the taste of life is green
And every day holds wonders to be seen
Come with me leave yesterday behind
And take a giant step outside your mind...

Adriana Wilson stood in the parking lot of "Quick Cars", staring at the sleek, black van before her. It was a 1996 Chevy van that kind of reminded her of something that a soccer mom would drive, as opposed to a young woman. It wasn’t the silver, 2000, convertible Camero of her dreams, but it would have to do.

“It’s fully loaded...," the dealer, a short, balding man named Stan said, walking slowly around the vehicle.

"Really," Adriana mused, raising her right eyebrow, not really sure what "fully loaded" meant, but not wanting to let on.

"It's got all that you could want," Stan said, slapping his hand on the hood. "Definitely the vehicle for you."

“It was pre-owned only once, right,” Adriana asked, walking around the vehicle once more.

“Yes,” Stan said quickly, making his way to where Adriana stopped, “by an older gentleman. Never drove it very much. He passed on and, I, uh, believe his grandson brought it by to trade in for one of those sportier numbers. A Caviler or something.”

Adriana wondered once more to herself why the van was so cheaply priced. Five thousand dollars was not a lot of money to spend on a vehicle. It wasn’t really what she wanted, but she needed something fast since her little white Buick broke down a month earlier.

She smoothed her shoulder length, layered blonde hair behind her ears, as she often did when she was deep in thought. Feeling the butterflies flitting in her stomach, she gathered up all the resolve she could and spoke again.

“Well, I guess I’ll take it then,” she said at last, pushing her glasses up, her green eyes shining with determination.

“Great,” Stan said enthusiastically. “Come with me and I’ll get the paperwork ready.”

Inside the building, after a few minutes of searching for the proper forms and printing out the payment agreement, Stan set them in front of Adriana and handed her a pen.

“Just sign, here, here, and everywhere else there’s an ‘x’ and she’s all yours,” he said.

Taking one last glance over her shoulder into the lot at the van, Adriana sighed, feeling a bit of that apprehension again as she took up the pen and placed her name on the papers. Little did she know that that one simple movement was going to change her life forever.

A few days later, Adriana gleefully honked the horn as she drove up the driveway to Ursula Ment’s home. It was summer, and Adriana was happy to take advantage of some of the paid vacation she was allowed at the office to take a vacation with some of her best friends who were all on break from their Junior year in college.

Adriana, however, at 21, worked full-time as an accounting assistant. While she had no personal interest in accounting affairs, it paid well, and allowed her to spend evenings and weekends on what she really loved. Adriana was an aspiring writer who dreamed of one day working for a music publication or possibly writing a novel.

Her friend Ursula Ment, however, was on summer vacation from Western University where she was studying to become a teacher. Two of their other friends, Jessie Dinos and her boyfriend, Link Baker, were on vacation from a local college as well. The four had planned to take a road trip to a water park resort a few hours away. There they would spend a week catching up with each other and enjoying the time away.

“Adrian,” Ursula shouted as she bounded out of the door and up to the van as Adriana stepped out.

“Hey,” Adriana exclaimed, happily greeting her friend. Ursula was one of the most genuinely nice people she knew, but was the type who would let you know if she was annoyed. She was the dreamer of the group, for the most part. On one hand, she loved romantic tales and had dreams of one day settling down and raising the perfect family, but, on the other hand, life had handed her a share of heartbreaks, which can take quite a toll on a dreamer. However, she kept her chin up most of the time, but many hours were spent with friends, conducting marathon conversations about life, love, and other uncertainties. Physically, Ursula was much shorter than Adriana, about 5’3, with long brown hair and green eyes.

“How was school,” Adriana asked, folding her arms and leaning against the van.

“School was...well, interesting,” Ursula said, shrugging and pulling her long brown hair away from her face and into a pony tail as she grinned at Adriana and her new vehicle.

"Hmm, that sounds liked a loaded comment," Adriana said, jokingly groaning with an amused smile.

"Yeah, well, we'll save that for the drive there," Ursula said, walking back to her door and picking up her gym bag packed with things she'd need for the week ahead.

"I'll be looking foward to it," Adriana said, turning back toward the driveway.

“Here they come. And they’re actually on time,” Ursula exclaimed a few moments later, her green eyes wide open in a sarcastic surprised expression.

A sporty green Escort pulled to a stop at the top of the Ment’s driveway. Jessie stepped out from the passenger side and shouted an excited greeting to her friends.

Jessie was the group's resident artist. Everything about her physically showed artistic tendencies. She was about 5’6 and slim, which made her look taller, with green eyes and very long, dark blond hair, which she rarely cut above her waist. Jessie was also everyone's "go-to" girl for advice. She was the kind of person who would listen for hours to someone else's problems, but hardly ever take her own burdens to someone else's shoulders.

The only person who knew Jessie even better than her best friends, was her boyfriend, Link, who stepped out of the car next. Link was of average height, with dark eyes and hair. He was the quiet type who let the girls talk as much as they wanted without hardly saying a word, but when he did, it was usually something very smart and well thought out.

With a small wave to Adriana and Ursula, Link put his hands in his pockets and looked over Adriana’s new wheels.

“So, whatdaya think,” Andrea asked goofily, knowing the answer. Link was the most knowledgeable person she knew about cars. He spent most of his time, when he wasn’t at school or working on computers at his part time job, fixing up an old Mustang.

“It’s…nice,” Link said, nodding at the van. “Looks like it will take you pretty far.”

“You’re too kind,” Adriana said with a laugh, opening the driver’s door and tossing in her purse and a bottle of water. “Are you guys ready to go?”

“Sure we are. Link, grab the bags out of the trunk,” Jessie mock-ordered.

“Yes, ma’am,” Link joked, saluting as he went to retrieve their luggage from the trunk.

A half hour later, with much situating and discussion, for they never could do anything without getting stuck on a topic that would leave them distracted from the task at hand, Adriana started the engine and pulled out of the driveway. Soon they were tooling down the interstate towards their destination.

About an hour later, Ursula, sitting in the front passenger seat, turned the map in all directions, trying to figure out exactly what exit they needed to take next.

“I’m not sure where we are,” Ursula finally admitted in a small voice.

“What,” Adriana exclaimed, her eyes wide.

“I can’t help it,” Ursula exclaimed back, “I told you I wasn’t much of a navigator. Remember our last trip to Chicago??”

“Hmm,” Adriana mused, looking over her shoulder at a passing car, “I guess we’d better pull over so we can figure this out. I think I saw a sign for a rest stop up ahead.”

“Just give the map to Link,” Jessie suggested, looking over at her boyfriend. “He’ll figure it out.”

“Nice to know I’m good for something,” Link joked.

A few miles later, Adriana pulled the van into a parking stall at the rest stop and shut off the engine. Ursula handed the map to Link, who took it and began survey the situation. Adriana, feeling tired, leaned back in her seat. Casually running her hand under the seat, she felt a piece of paper.

“What’s this,” she wondered out loud, praying that it wasn’t a wadded up piece of gum.

“Let me see,” said Jessie, leaning up from the back seat.

Adriana pulled her hand up with the paper in hand. She unfolded the crumpled parchment to reveal what appeared to be a letter, written in a hurried script and signed with brown ink. Reading the letter out-loud to her friends, Adriana slowly began to doubt the reliability of her purchase.

“To the owner of this vehicle:
Due to the lack of time I have left on this earth, I know that I will never be able to fully test my project. I am getting on in the years and my grandson is sending me to a home. Unfortunately, I will not be able to work on the project any longer. But, I have finished to the best of my ability. I now leave this for the next owner of the vehicle.
Here is how you should begin:
First, look under the cup holder next to the first seat. There you will find a lit up electronic devise that looks a bit like a calculator.
Second, punch in the day, month, year, and place you would like to visit.
Third, behind the rearview mirror is a red button. Push it. It will take you to where you want to go.
My years of research, sacrifice, and study has all come down to this. The only question is, will you make it all worth while?
John Green."

“Mmmmhmm,” Adriana mumbled sarcastically, nodding, “Yeah, this guy has some serious issues.”

“Tell me about it,” Ursula agreed, leaning over to look at the paper.

“No wonder this guy was sent to a home, he was definitely a loony,” Jessie said with a laugh.

“Yeah, sure,” Adriana giggled as she executed the actions as she said them, “Like if I put in…Let’s see…June 20th, 1966...Beachwood... California…”

“What’s that,” Jessie asked, kneeling between the seats to get a better look at the contraptions.

“Oh,” Adriana said, smiling slyly, “just an address I heard on TV. It’s fictional anyway.”

“Are you sure you want to do this,” Ursula warned, looking all around the van. “Maybe the whole thing’s gonna blow up or something.”

“Nah,” Adriana said, dismissing her, “this guy was nuts, I wanna know what the big deal is. Now what?”

“I think you’re supposed to push that red button behind the rearview mirror,” offered Link, looking up momentarily from the map.

Adriana nodded and pressed her index finger against the button, but nothing happened.

“Wow here we go, back in time,” Adriana exclaimed sarcastically as she jokingly gripped the seat and made a face as if she was about to go on a rollercoaster.

Suddenly, everything went black.

“What’s going on,” Jessie asked.

“I don’t know,” Ursula said, her voice shaking.

“Well,” Link spoke up, “either we’re having a total eclipse, or this thing is actually working.”

All around them lights streamed by, but they felt no sensation of movement. The beams of color were blinding and the group had to cover their eyes as they flew by them.

Then, just as quickly as it started, everything stopped. Slowly uncovering their eyes, they adjusted to the daylight that came in through the van’s windows.

“Wow," Link whispered, "that was kind of like 'Star Wars'."

“Where’s my Yogi,” Adriana asked on cue, trying to add some humor to the situation.

They all turned and gave Adriana “the look”.

“Sorry. Yoda,” she half-heartedly corrected herself. This wasn’t a time for jokes.

“Where are we,” Ursula asked, barely in a whisper, looking out the window.

“Seems to be a beach,” Link said, staring out of the large window on the side of the van. “There’s not too many beaches off highways in Illinois, but that’s just stating the obvious.”

“I know that," Ursula said grumbling a bit, but softened. "Should we get out?"

“You must be joking,” Adriana said, her voice suddenly filling with excitement as the realization of where they were began to sink in. “Don’t you know where we are? But it doesn’t make any sense. It’s a fictional place.”

“Why don’t we let Link check it out first,” Jessie suggested, nudging her boyfriend.

But it was too late. Adriana had already opened her door and stepped gingerly into the sand.

“I guess we’d better go too,” Ursula sighed, unsnapping her seatbelt and opening the passenger door.

Ursula, Jessie, and Link got out of the van and walked over to where Adriana was standing, staring at something in the distance.

“Wow,” Jessie said, looking around her, “this beach is really beautiful! And that has to be the ocean!”

Ursula looked at Adriana, trying to figure out what had got her so entranced. “Umm, Adrian,” Ursula began, “what exactly are you goggling at?”

“I can’t believe it,” Adriana said as she lifted a hand and pointed down the sandy beach, “I just can’t believe it.”

“Believe what,” Jessie asked as she looked in the direction that Adriana was pointing.

“It’s them,” Adriana said, tucking her hair behind her ears. “It must be 1966. But, they’re only a TV show, what are they doing here? It wasn’t real. But it is.”

“Maybe you should go in the van and lay down for awhile,” Link said, concerned.

“No,” she said quickly, “they’re coming towards us. How do I look?”

“Like you’ve seen a ghost,” Jessie answered. “Maybe we should all go inside and figure this out.”

“Yeah,” Ursula said, shielding the sun with her hand as she looked up at her friend, “you don’t look too good at all.”

“I’ll be fine,” Adriana said as she smoothed her hair behind her ears again and straightened her five-foot-nine figure to the fullest, trying to muster up some confidence, “I’m fine, just a little nervous, that’s all.”

From across the beach, four young men, all in their very early twenties, were making their way to where Adriana, Ursula, Jessie, and Link stood.

“Oh,” Jessie said slowly, “now I know I’ve seen those guys somewhere before.”

The four young men came closer.

“Yeah, me too,” Ursula said thoughtfully.

The color finally returned to Adriana’s face as she began to laugh. “Gee, maybe you’ve seen them in my video collection or heard them on my CD player for the last two years,” she whispered just loud enough for her friends to hear, since they were almost right in front of them. “You guys, it’s the Monkees!”

The four guys finally stopped in front of the shocked time travelers.

Micky Dolenz was standing in front of the group, wearing a pair of light blue shorts, and a white T-shirt, tossing a volleyball back and forth. Standing next to him was Michael Nesmith. Mike wore a blue windbreaker outfit, with a white stripe on the side, and perched on top of his head was his characteristic green wool hat. Next to Mike was the terminally short Davy Jones. In his little red shorts and sky blue jacket, Davy began to size up the group in front of him. Lastly, there was Peter Tork. He had on an outfit similar to Mike’s, but in red. His longish, light brown hair blew in the wind as his dark brown eyes curiously surveyed his surroundings.

“We were out playing volleyball and we saw your weird looking van park itself on the side of a dune,” Micky said as he tossed the ball in his hands. “Do you guys need some help?”

Seeing that Adriana was a loss for words, Jessie bumped Adriana with her elbow to wake her up.

“Umm..” Adriana began, trying to think of something to say that didn’t sound tongue-tied and stupid, “No, that’s alright. We just got lost a bit, and our van…our van is…our van is..”

“Our van is stalled,” Link lied for her. “We think it might be the uh…transmission.”

“Oh,” Mike answered, “transmission? Micky can fix that for ya. He’s good with his hands.”

“Yep,” Micky said, nodding with false arrogance, “Monkee car mechanics at your service!”

Adriana couldn’t help but let out a nervous laugh as she looked at her friends. “Speak for yourself,” Davy said as he looked in Ursula’s direction. His eyes suddenly became glassy and the sunlight reflected in them, causing a starry eyed effect as he starred at Ursula. She, in the meantime was obliviously watching Micky run around the van, “examining” it.

“Oh, great,” Mike groaned when he noticed Davy’s state, “Man, Peter, he’s gone and done it again. Didn’t I tell you to keep an eye on him?”

“He’s gonna be the death of us yet,” Micky said from his location, now underneath the van.

Mike’s demanding voice startled Peter, who had been shyly looking at Adriana. “Hey, man,” Peter finally answered, “I’m not the father figure around here, you are.”

“Besides,” Peter said as he turned and waved a hand in front of Davy’s face, “I think we’ve lost him."

Davy walked over to Ursula and took her hand. “Darling,” he began in a smooth, British tone, “you are a vision of beauty. The day we fall in love, there will be birds singing in the air…”

“CAW,” Micky cackled as he stuck his head out from under the van.

“Ignore him, my dear, what is your name,” Davy asked.

Ursula snatched her hand away from Davy and gave him a weird look. “My name is Ursula,” she said, rolling her eyes. “And this is Adriana, Jessie, and Link,” she continued pointing out each of her friends, hoping to stop this strange boy from staring at her that way. His efforts were wasted. Davy hardly took notice of the others.

Mike, however, with his gentlemanly Texas charm, greeted the group with kindness. “Nice to meet ya,” he said, as he shook hands with each of them. He then introduced Peter, Micky, Davy, and himself as members of a group called The Monkees.

“So,” Peter asked boldly, looking pointedly at Adriana, “looks like you might be here for awhile.”

“Do you have any plans for tonight,” Davy asked Ursula.

“Well…,” Adriana began, trying to think of a good story “actually we were…”

“NO,” Jessie inserted quickly, “She…I mean, we have no plans.”

Adriana then threw “the look” at Jessie. Adriana liked things to move slow, and although she felt like she already knew the Monkees, she didn’t like the idea of making herself seem so available. Jessie knew what she was doing. She smiled at Adriana, silently assuring her that everything would be just fine.

“Might as well have a little fun with this,” Jessie said quietly, leaning in to quickly whisper in her friend’s ear.

“Well, we sure can’t leave y’all out here like this. Why don’t you come to our place for a bit? It’s kinda small but,” Mike said as he smiled and put his arms around Peter and Davy’s shoulders, “we like it.”

Peter nodded in approval; Davy still starred at Ursula.

“Hey Mick,” Mike called.

No answer.

“Hey Mick,” Mike called louder.

Still no answer.

“Miiiccckkkyyy,” Mike yelled.

Micky had been standing behind Mike for the last minute or so. “WHAT,” he yelled.

Mike jumped from surprise, “Don’t do that. I thought you were still over there.”

“Nope,” Micky said, looking up in the sky as he rambled, “I’m right here and started thinking how cool it would be if a space ship, like, came down in the middle of the beach and…”

“Ya flake, I was just going to tell you that we’re gonna take these folks up to our place,” said Mike, shaking his head as if embarrassed at his friend’s behavior.

“I know,” Micky answered.

“Well,” Mike said, annoyed, “fine. Let’s go. It’s just up here a ways.”

“My darling,” Davy said as he bowed before Ursula, “after you.”

Ursula rolled her eyes and crossed to the other side of Link, trying to get away from the nuisance as they began the short walk up to the Pad. She did think Davy was cute, but in a little boy kind of way. Ursula liked guys who were more sincere, not the “new girl every week” type that she could tell Davy was.

“That’s it over there,” Peter said, pointing to a ramshackle beach housing complex as he walked next to Adriana.

“I know,” Adriana said, as she looked into Peter’s dark eyes. “I mean…that must be it then,” she stammered. Peter looked at her curiously.

When they arrived at the house, Mike opened the door and invited them all inside. Adriana was speechless. Everything was as she thought it would be. The huge picture windows, the long table with Schnider, the Dummy sitting at the end, the winding staircase, the sign “In Case Of Fire---Run” posted next to the door, and of course the makeshift stage with all of the Monkees’ instruments, were all in their places.

“Wow,” she sighed, taking in the scenery.

“Hmm,” Micky joked, “nobody’s ever said that walking into this place before.”

“Well,” Mike said, clapping his hands together, “make yourselves at home. We’ve got a gig at the club tonight, but it’s not 'til 6, so we’ve got a couple hours to kill.”

Jessie and Link had already made their way over to a couple of chairs, while Ursula sat in a wooden chair at the table, looking oddly at Schnider, hoping to stay as far away from Davy as possible. Adriana just stood there in awe, half-listening to Mike.

“So,” he said, “if you’ll excuse us for a moment.”

Mike pulled the guys into the kitchen and began to conduct a conversation in low whispers.

“Man,” Micky started, looking into the living room “these people seem kinda strange."

“You should talk,” Davy retorted.

“All accept Adriana,” Peter said wistfully, shyly looking into the living room where Adriana stood, smiling at a framed picture of the guys at their first gig.

“And Ursula,” Davy said as his eyes began to glaze over, “there’s something about that name. Makes me wanna sing…”

“Hold it right there, shotgun,” Mike warned, placing a hand over Davy’s mouth. “Look, I don’t mind extending some hospitality, but we gotta find out exactly who these people are.”

“Well,” Davy said, folding their arms, “they’re definitely not from this area. England? Maybe. Here? No.”

“Should we take them to the gig tonight,” Micky asked.

“Yeah,” Peter said excitedly.

“I don’t know man,” Mike answered apprehensively. “They’re gonna look kinda out of place. I guess Link could borrow some of my clothes, but what about the rest of 'em?”

“Hmm,” Micky thought, “Adriana is dressed normal, she’s got bellbottoms on, but we don’t have any girls’ clothes.”

“What are we going to do then,” Peter asked.

“I know exactly what we need,” Micky said, clapping his hands. “We need a bright idea!”

“Where are we going to get that,” asked Peter.

“Don’t worry, man,” Micky waved him away, “I’ll just go talk to the writers.”

“Wait a minute,” Mike said as he grabbed Micky’s collar before he walked off, “Why do you always say that? We don’t have any writers.”

“Oh,” said Micky matter-of-factly, “it was worth a try.”

“I guess the girls could wear some of our old stuff. You can’t really tell what’s girls’ clothes and boys’ clothes these days anyway.”

Later that same night the eight made their way to the Vincent Van Go Go where the Monkees were scheduled to play. Adriana was in awe again. People were dancing everywhere as mod music played from speakers on either side of the light green room. Circular tables and chairs outlined the dance floor and multi-colored pillows were tossed abstractly around the room.

Her friends, in fact, were not as in awe as she was. Ursula was dressed in a pair of dark blue bellbottoms and a paisley print, button down shirt, borrowed from Davy. The guys had Link throw on a pair of brown, straight-legged corduroys with a yellow vest shirt, while Jessie wore a pair of white bell-bottoms and a red dress shirt. Adriana, in the meantime, wore what she had from the beginning, her light blue pheasant shirt that tied in the front and her favorite pair of worn bell-bottoms. Everything was the same, except the string of beads Peter gave to her to wear before they left the Pad.

“What’s the matter,” Adriana asked her friends. “You guys look great.”

They all, in turn, gave Adriana “the look”.

“Besides”, said Adriana a bit sad, “Micky is going to finish the van tomorrow and we’ll be out of here.”

“How can he finish the van tomorrow,” asked Link, “there really isn’t anything wrong with it.”

“I know,” said Adriana, “but it was the only reason you could think of to explain why we’re here. Besides, Micky doesn’t know a transmission from a tire. We’ll be out of here tomorrow, I promise.”

Adriana looked up at the stage as the Monkees began to play the first chords to “You Don’t Know Me”. Peter looked up from his bass guitar long enough to smile that characteristic dimpled smile that Adriana had always admired. She didn’t just like that smile because it made more appealing in the looks department; she loved his smile because it was the kind of smile that seemed to just make things better. It was the kind of smile that lit up a room. But, this time, it wasn’t at the camera, directed to some nameless soul, this time the smile was for her.

“Or maybe I’ll stay,” Adriana mused out loud.

“Adrian, you can’t stay,” protested Jessie, looking down at her clothes. “This isn’t real.”

“I know,” she sighed as she came back to reality, breaking herself away from that smile. “But isn’t it me?”

“Yes,” Jessie said softly, “but it’s not real, Adrian, and it’s for sure not us.”

“Alright,” said Adriana, regretfully, “I won’t stay. But, let’s at least enjoy ourselves while we’re here.”

“You Don’t Know Me” ended and “I’m a Believer” began. Jessie and Link danced around, reminding Adriana of their famed Homecoming dance a couple years ago. She chuckled to herself as she saw other couples beginning to imitate her friends.

Ursula struck up a conversation with a group of people at a nearby table, while Adriana just sat near the stage, drinking in every sight and sound. More than once that night did that dimpled smile find her, and more than once she found herself feeling more alone, know that it would soon be over.

“Hey, thanks everybody,” answered Mike to a roaring applause when their set was over. “We’re gonna play a new song we’ve been working on for a bit now. It’s called “Take a Giant Step”, and we’d like to dedicate it to some new friends we’ve made today.”

The opening bass chords to one of Adriana’s favorite songs began. She could hardly believe what was happening. It was all like a terrific dream that she never wanted to wake from.

Early the next morning, Adriana was wakened by the sounds of Mike and Peter rustling about in the kitchen. She then looked over on the other side of the living room floor and had to stop herself from bursting out laughing.

Ursula was about to be awakened by Davy who was next to her on the floor, glassy eyed again, starring at her. Ursula stretched her arms above her head and yawned. She opened her eyes and discovered that the face that was over her was Davy's.

An ear-splitting scream echoed though out the pad.

“Darling,” said Davy, unfazed by the shriek, “I trust you slept well. The day we fall in love, the wind will be blowing through your hair…”

“Get away from me you brat,” yelled Ursula, unhappy to be woken by the girl- crazy David Jones.

Davy sadly got up and sauntered into the kitchen.

“Oh, ho,” Mike chuckled, stirring something in a bowl, “she sure told you Davy, baby.”

“Don’t worry Davy,” Peter said, patting him on the head, “it will be another girl next week.”

“HE’S GONNA BE THE DEATH OF US YET,” Micky's voice resounded from the garage where he was “working” on the van.

“Come on guys,” pleaded Davy. “This time was different. She made me a believer.”

“Sounds like a good song,” joked Peter.

“Whatever,” Davy said sadly.

“Come on and get your breakfast,” Mike announced to the others.

Adriana walked into the kitchen to see plates of pancakes and fruit salad.

“I had no idea you could cook, Mike,” Adriana said, sincerely surprised.

“Neither did he,” Peter answered.

After a humorous breakfast, Micky came back inside and announced, “Well, ladies and germs, I’ve done it again. Your van is served.” He handed the keys to Adriana and bowed.

“Um, thanks for the corduroys,” Link said to Mike later as the eight stood outside in front of the van, saying their good-byes.

“No problem, friend,” said Mike, shaking Link’s hand. “You need them more than I do.”

“Thanks,” Link said, holding up the pair of pants, squinting at them, “I think.”

“My dearest Ursula,” Davy began, “I regret that it did not work out between us, but, my darling, I shall never forget you.” Davy took Ursula’s hand and tired to kiss it.

“Don’t even think about it, shorty,” Ursula warned.

“Oh, Mike” said Davy, grabbing his side, “she hurt me.” Davy puts a hand on his heart. “She got me in the kidney.”

“Oh, Davy,” Mike said with mock-sadness.

“Micky, thanks so much for the painting,” said Jessie, looking at the small canvas, “It’s really, ummm, interesting.”

“Well,” Micky started, “you said you were into art, and so am I.”

“So, what exactly do you call it,” she asked as she examined the picture, which was a swirling mass of colors.

“Peter’s brain.”

Jessie, Link, and Ursula had all boarded the van as Adriana stood outside, looking at the waves lapping the shore, prolonging the good-byes that she did not want to say. Inside the van, Link began to set the date for home, while Ursula and Jessie made themselves comfortable for the journey.

Adriana finally turned to see the Monkees standing in a line before her.

“Well, Davy,” Adriana began, “it’s been really…great.” Davy didn’t pay much attention to Adriana’s goodbye, he just starred at the van.

“My only love has gone away,” Davy said dramatically, “my sorrow is never-ending. My, oh, my how sad am I…”

Adriana left Davy to ramble on to himself and moved on to Mike.

“Mike,” she started, looking up at the tall, slender Nesmith, “you’ve been so kind to us.”

“No problem,” Mike said with a quirky grin. “Be careful out there.”

Adriana laughed. “You always act so wise. Any advice for us in the future,” she asked.

“Let’s see,” Mike looked with a squint and pondered. “Work hard, play hard, get plenty of roughage in your diet. It is better to have a brave life than a cowardly death…”

“Over here kid,” Micky said, nudging Adriana with his elbow.

Adriana left Mike pondering and stepped over to Micky.

“You have been such a big help, Micky,” said Adriana.

“Hey, don’t mention it,” Micky said, shrugging.

“Ok, well…,” Adriana started.

“Oh, go ahead,” Micky prompted, “tell me how great I was.”

Adriana laughed at Micky’s false arrogance. “You are great, Micky. You always made me laugh.” She then impulsively hugged Micky. It puzzled him, but he accepted it gratefully.

Finally Adriana stepped in front of Peter.

“Oh, Scarecrow! I think I’ll miss you most of all,” Micky joked beside them, causing Peter and Adriana to laugh despite how much she didn’t want to leave.

“You have an interesting van,” Peter remarked, breaking the silence that had occurred since Micky’s comment.

“You think so,” asked Adriana, feeling shy.

“I’ve never been in one like that before,” Peter said.

“Why don’t you just ask her if you can sit in it,” suggested Mike, impatiently.

“I was just going to, Michael,” said Peter, throwing Mike “the look”.

Adriana turned to look at her friends in the van. Link seemed to be done with the date setting, Ursula had moved to the large seat in the very back of the van to stretch out and rest, everything seemed okay.

“I guess it’s alright,” she said, turning back to Peter.

“Can we leave soon,” asked Ursula from inside the van. “Davy keeps coming to my window and trying to sing to me.”

After waving to Micky and Mike, Adriana and Peter both got into the van.

“Wow,” said Peter from the passenger seat, running his hand over the console, “this is really nice. Very different from anything I’ve seen. All these features.” He then casually moved to adjust the rearview mirror.

“What does this button do,” he asked, feeling it on the other side.

“PETER,” the group in the van yelled “NO!”

But, it was too late, the button had been pushed.

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Part Two!

The Library
