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Who is this Guy?

My name is Jeff Bouley, and I swore I would never become one of those people with their own Web site.


In a nutshell, I started life as a pretty OK baby, progressed to being a fairly good teenager, and moved up to being a reasonably decent specimen of adult human editor/writer.

Yet through much of this, I was spiritually empty. I had been baptized Catholic, and I went to church now and again. But something was missing. I believed in God and Jesus only intellectually and abstractly.

It was not until I met Shay, the woman who would become my wife, that things began to change. Her father is a preacher, and while attending his more-or-less Baptist church, I finally received the Word of God in such a way that it became real to me. I was no longer tuning out the words. I began to read the Bible regularly—a book I had hardly touched in the previous 20-something years of my life.

In the process, a whole new kind of peace and a whole new world have opened up to me. I am still growing with regard to the Word of God and carrying out the Lord's work, but I am making progress, and I have come a long way in those relatively few years.

So where once I was good person with a starving spirit, I am now a person who realizes he isn't as good as he first thought, but who has more potential now that he has accepted Jesus as his Lord and savior. And now that I have received some small portion of the spirit of God, I hope to share it with others.

This site is one way for me to do that.

Besides, I like to write. And I have to admit, I still have enough of an ego to enjoy knowing that people are reading what I write, whether it is journalistic, educational or creative in nature.

God bless.

—Jeff Bouley

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