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December 2000

Transition has been our family byword since celebrating Christmas '99 with David's family in Hesperia, Michigan, at his sister's home. Fondly we remember Caleb entertaining us while "hamming it up" modeling his new fireman outfit!

Mr Fireman

We've been on the go since March when David flew to Washington DC to interview for his new position flying military Gulfstreams (C-20's) for the 89th SAM FOX Airlift Wing, at Andrews Air Force Base. Two weeks after interviewing David was hired; hence Kathy and he traveled to the DC area to locate housing for the family. Meanwhile, the children entertained their grandparents in Michigan.

While taking care of Caleb, Grandma Donna observed bothersome symptoms which prompted her to call David and Kathy and ask them to cut their house hunting short. That they did, and upon return to Michigan they took Caleb to see his cardiologist, Dr. Amnon Rosenthal, at the University of Michigan Hospital. After two days of evaluation at the U of M we decided to schedule Caleb for a fifth open-heart surgery.

April 1st, the day after making this significant decision, David boarded a Boeing-747 in Detroit bound for the Philippines where he daily preached during a two-week Medical/ Dental Mission. This year, for the first time, despite preaching 8 hours per day David didn't lose his voice! It was lovely to work and again spend time with Brother Glenn Kennedy, pastor of our former church in Okinawa. Meanwhile, Kathy and the kids prepared for the transition to Washington.

Just one night after returning from the PI, David kissed Kathy and the kids goodbye and boarded yet another plane--this time to Savannah, Georgia to attend a three week Gulfstream academic and simulator training course. During that time, Sarah and Hannah Joy prepared for their last ballet recital in Illinois as Andrew and Caleb "helped" Kathy prepare our O'Fallon house for our first renters.

The second Thursday in May, two days after David returned from Savannah, Caleb underwent his tenth surgery. Kathy led several sisters-in-Christ in fasting and prayer for six weeks leading up to the operation. God graciously granted uncanny inner-strength despite the medical staff's intrepid warning to brace ourselves for a serious battle! As He'd done many times before, God enabled "The Fighter" to amaze the surgical and hospital staff with a remarkably quick recovery. Within one week Caleb was back riding the tractor with Papa Marion.

Caleb with Papa Marion

Caleb remained in Michigan with his grandparents while the rest of the family returned to Illinois. While there our good friends, the Stocksdales, MacKeens, Gregorys, and Betkers, along with several other Metro-East Christian Fellowship families hosted a fabulous Memorial Weekend for our Bosnian friends of St. Louis at a picturesque Illinois state park. Our next and final weekend in Illinois, Sarah and Hannah Joy dazzled us with their final ballet recital!

After giving David, Kathy and the older kids a two week headstart, Caleb and his grandmothers followed them to Andrews AFB, Maryland. Once there, we enjoyed beginning to make friends in our new neighborhood as we waded though the sea of moving boxes. As we laboriously transitioned our household from our own 2200 sq. ft home to a 1380 sq. ft base house, our new neighborhood hosted a 4th of July family parade and cookout. Caleb proudly waved the American flag as Sarah, Andrew, and Hannah Joy displayed their patriotic colors on their bicycles.

Throughout the warm summer the children daily alternated between riding their bicycles, roller blading and swimming while David settled in his new job learning to fly the Gulfstream SAM FOX-style! Even Kathy made her debut on the precarious single in-line roller "skates." In early August we were treated to unexpected visit by our dear friend, Elvir Mandzukic, a Bosnian graduate student from St. Louis. He captured splendid video footage of Caleb, David, and himself visiting the National Monuments, on the DC mall.

This fall each of the children advanced a grade in the Ingerson Home School Academy. Hannah Joy is excitedly excelling through first grade, as Andrew determinedly progresses through second. In addition to her regular Home School curriculum, Sarah is studying the classics, including ancient Greek history and culture, science, grammar, creative writing and Latin, at a two-day a week cooperative academy of home school parents. Hannah Joy is so excited to be reading! Andrew continues to amaze us with his knack for all things "hands-on" and mechanical. Sarah's passion for reading is rivaled only by her frequent "mothering" of the other children. Caleb became quite the opinionated conversationalist. He never ceased to notify us of what he "needed." Each night as Daddy put him in bed he'd declare, "I need to read another book."

Caleb with his bat and ball - Spring 2000

September 10th: Our family entered a new transition--life without our precious Caleb! While enjoying a Sunday afternoon church picnic, our beloved "Fighter" Caleb went home to be with Jesus. After several ascents of the playground slide, while perched in his daddy's arms, the -playful Caleb, made his last demand, "Daddy, I need to go swing!" Within seconds of making this request he threw his head back and was gone…hereafter ever to be swinging in the arms of Jesus. How bittersweet to know that although we miss him terribly, we shall see him again!

Our family has been blessed by many who've demonstrated their love for us in a myriad of ways. Our neighbors, squadron mates, fellow Bible study members, and new church family all rallied around us with food, flowers, and compassionate listening ears. We offer special thanks to our dear friend, Chaplain Ken Crooks, as well as our beloved brothers and sisters at our former church, Metro East Christian Fellowship who hosted Memorial Services for Caleb at both the Andrews Chapel, and Metro East respectively.

Many friends from O'Fallon, Illinois, Indianapolis, Indiana, Andrews AFB, and even Auntie Patty from Hawaii traveled to our hometown in Michigan to participate in Caleb's funeral. David's accountability partner from Illinois, Russ Sparger, came to lead worship at the funeral, with the help of his wife Judy. Our beloved former pastor, Rich Bersett, accompanied by his wife Charlotte, not only officiated the funeral and burial, but also offered a poignant eulogy for our special boy. The foremost U of M Pediatric Cardiologist, Amnon Rosenthal honored us and God by offering the traditional Hebrew funeral prayer of praise, the "Kaddish."

While, the transition of learning to live life without our special boy has brought us profound sadness, our precious memories of the small boy with the immense zest for living have brought great comfort. We relish not only the many memories of Caleb, but also the knowledge that many have remarked that their lives have been divinely touched through the life of our little boy. May we ever remember and cherish not only the blessings but also the God who gave us Caleb for 3 and a half years.

L-R Sarah, Andrew, Caleb and Hanna Joy

Before leaving the emergency room, the evening Caleb went home to heaven, we called our long time friend, Ivan Thompson. Ivan had been led of the Holy Spirit to write three beautiful birthday cards to Caleb when he was just a few months old. Each year, on Caleb's birthday we marveled as we reread the prophetic cards! That night, God gave Ivan this song:

Little Fighter Man

Little Fighter Man
You've gone on ahead
Little Fighter Man
We Know you're not dead
Little Fighter Man, you've given us hope
And we know we'll see you again

Though we long to kiss and hold you so tight
We know that Jesus tucks you in at night
Little Fighter Man
You've gone on ahead
Little Fighter Man
We Know you're not dead
Little Fighter Man you've given us hope
And we know we'll see you again

No picture frame can capture your joy
Nor contain the memories of our little boy

Little Fighter Man
You've gone on ahead
Little Fighter Man
We Know you're not dead
Little Fighter Man you've given us strength
And we know we'll see you again

No words can describe the depth of our pain
But we know that our loss is all Heaven's gain
Oh, how we miss you and love you and wish you were home
But now you're dancing, rejoicing around heaven's throne
Little Fighter Man
You've gone on ahead
Little Fighter Man
We Know you're not dead
Little Fighter Man you've given us strength
And we know we'll see you again

Little Fighter Man
You've gone on ahead
Little Fighter Man
We Know you're not dead
Little Fighter Man, now safe in His arms
Yes, we know we'll see you again

Although Caleb has departed this world, we know with certainty we shall see him again. We have new appreciation for the Psalmist's words, " Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints. " ( Ps. 116:15) In reality, although they die in this world, they live in His! That's our hope; not just for Caleb, but for all who call upon Jesus, the One who bears the Name above all names. The One who is the Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. May His governance and peace abide in your hearts now and always.

In amazement we remember the prophetic words our brother-in-Christ, Clement Ameho shared with me the evening Caleb was born, as he was undergoing his first surgery.

" I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done. " Psalm 118:17

Our Family L-R, Andrew, Kathy, Hanna Joy, David, Caleb, Sarah

Caleb and Dad

Sandy Horn, an insightful sister-in-the-Lord from our church in Okinawa, wrote the following in a condolences card,

…On the morning of the Sunday Caleb went to be with Jesus: I looked at the ring on my hand and saw that a diamond had fallen out. Immediately-inside of me-I heard the question, "What does this mean?"…

…I know the question didn't originate in my mind, hence, I obviously wouldn't answer it. When Carleen Lucas called Sunday afternoon for prayer for Caleb and you guys-instantly the image of my ring with the empty place popped into my mind. I believe that diamond was symbolic of how precious Caleb is to God (as well as many others), and how many facets of the beauty of God we were allowed to see because of his life."

We 're greatly encouraged that many commented that Caleb's life brought out the beauty of the Lord in a remarkable way!

The Ingerson's

David and Kathy Ingerson
Sarah, Andrew, Hannah Joy, Caleb (3/4/97-9/10/00)
4752-1 Fairway Drive
Andrews AFB, MD 20762