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The Blairpac's homepage

(10-7-04) I finally have a web blog, or journal, or whatever in the Sam Hill you want to call it. It can be found here, and note that from now on, you should go to that website to see any and all updates on myself:

(9-30-04) I am going to get a web blog real soon, but that is not the reason why I'm writing now. I just heard some awful news from back in Illinois, and it involves someone in BCW (a backyard fed in Belvidere where I didn't really have much of a role; I just did the music for the wrestlers for their entrances, but those days, back in '99 and 2000, were a lot of fun). I found out that one of the girls in BCW, whom wrestled under the name Harley Honey, died in a car accident a few days ago. She was only 20, which makes the news especially sad. I won't go in-depth on this, but believe me, it's terrible to know that someone who was involved in something as fun as BCW is now gone. I wish I could've gone to the funeral and all, but I'll get into contact with the main BCW people as soon as I can and tell them I now know about this. Like I had up on here, back in the summer, I found out that another girl I knew had died in a car accident; that is a sucker punch to the gut. In spirit, I'll give my sympathies to her family and friends, and when I do someday return to Belvidere, I'll give those thoughts in person.

(9-21-04) I may change my mind on this, but for now, partly due to the fact that this POS web site editor just lost my past few months of updates, and the fact that clearly, I don't even care too much about updating this anymore (due to the fact that hey, my life is extremely boring since I moved here to Florida), that I might as well give up on this website thing; I could end up getting a blog, but who knows. You should still look here once in awhile, because eventually I'll make up my mind on the blog issue. Remember, though, I used this site as a blog long before I even heard that term. Stay tuned.

The Blairpac's Links

The Blairpac's Archives
My Livejournal page
Jump The Shark
Another site featuring bad movies
Too strange for words... and it's by Burger King!
I'm on Face The Jury (a site for judging people, not a site about criminals!)
A database of movies, where I now write
The Smoking Gun
I'm on!
Men Who Look Like Kenny Rogers!
Bad Movies
Boogie Nights paper
The Three Stooges
Nightrain, a Guns N Roses tribute band
Urban Legends
eTapout (where I compete)