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                     "The dream of success is that you make a lot of money but you never
                     had to work. The reality of success is you work so much and make so
                     much money that you don't even have time to get your hair cut."

                     >>Robert Sledge

>QUIZLET RESULTS: Who is your favorite Ben Folds Five character?
(of 412 surveyed)
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Hey, this is Brent! This page began because I was sick from school, and sat down about 2 days after the new Ben Folds Five album The Unauthorized Biography of Reinhold Messner came out and chorded some of the songs. Then I suddenly realized I couldn't have a webpage just based on that! So I started looking for what a lot of websites didn't have, or things that I would want to see. This place may not be a paragon of great webpage design, but at least I hope you find the content worthwhile! Have fun visiting and thanks for stopping by! Oh, and make sure to come back because this site grows almost weekly!!!

  • Here's a comprehensive list of everything Ben Folds Five has said about the songs they write.
  • My growing picture page. I'm always looking for new stuff!
  • If you're curious, here's a short bio about me.
Drop me a line, I'd love to know what you think of my page!

          since 5/6/99

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Underground: The Ben Folds Five Webring, has no affiliation with any members of Ben Folds Five, their record company, or associates.