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My PiC pAgE

Prom 2002 w/ Andrew's fly ass hat
Prom 2002 w/ Andrew's fly ass hat
My best friend, Celene's Wonderful Sr. Pic Andrew Ruffing's 1st concert. Matt Davis Rocking out at my B-day party. Andrew and Rus (a teacher) dancing at a concert Nick Eastmen thinking bad thoughts. sam being cool Tighe House and Whitney Hagene w/ tighe's cool hat Luke dickerson, Nick Eastmen, Celene Furry, and Andrew Ruffing just chillin ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
This is a group pic of all my friends that I went with to Sweetheart.... Top row left to right..Brooke Summers, Jana Smith, Jen Melvin,Ashley Harris, Bailey Shook(me), Celene Furry..Bottom row left to right.. Brandon Baxter, Matt Crow, Jesse Smith, Andrew Ruffing, Luke Dickerson (celene's baby).
This is a pic of me and Andrew and Celene and Luke.
Left to Right... Brooke Summers, Celene Furry, Bailey Shook(me), Ashley Harris, Jen Melvin, Jana Smith.
Steve Sdandel & Justin Pelker
This is me and andrew when we went to applebees for my 16th birthday and the crew sung to me!!!!!!
This is a pic of Celene Furry, Brooke Hill, and ME at sweetheart. I am in the middle.
This is me and my friend leah before my sophmore year's homecomming.
This was my yearbook pic for my sophmore year, can you say CHEESIN
This is my 2001 sweetheart picture with my ex boyfriend Andrew Ruffing.
This is another pic of me and andrew at applebees for my 16th Birthday.
Another pic on my birthday.
This was taking on my Birthday this year with Andrew.
This is me and andrew on my birthday.
This is my mom, my brother (dylan) and me before a wedding!
This is Brandon Baxter and Celene Furry in wal-mart being dumb and wasting film.
This is one of my friends. I can't say his names but if you think about it you know who it is. HE IS IN A THONG.
This is one of my best friends Celene and her B/F (luke)being GAY!
This is a group pic from sweetheart!
This is me and Jen Melvin at sweetheart.

1st pic of me!

MY MOM AND DAD THIS IS BROOKE HILL... i put this on here to scare everyone. isn't that a cool pic. she has icq her uin is 54260006...

Brooke Hill

HERE IS A PIC OF ME AND MY MOM this is a picture of some of our sophmore class working on your homecomming board. WE GOT 1ST PLACE!!! here is another pic of me during the summer. It is bad but you can see it.

HERE IS A PIC OF MY FRIEND LEAH PHILLIPS....she has icq her uin is 17136048.

my ex b/f Geoffrey Craig hehe & my puppy that he got me which got hit by a car:( This is Geoffrey at the football. He is CRAZY............................ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Here are some Sr. pics i would just like to show off. Hope you enjoy. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*