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So think you're good at games huh?Think you're as good as AC?Only one way to find out.Take my quiz!!Awnser all of these questions and email me your awnsers.Those of you who get an A+ will be posted in my hall of fame.So prepare yourself.It's tough.Good Luck...

1.In Tomb Raider what is Lara's last name?
2.In Xenogears who is the first person to recieve an omnigear?
3.In Final Fantasy 3 what is the name of Setzer's Airship?
4.In Final Fantasy 7 what is Cloud's last name?
5.In Final Fantasy 7 who gave Vincent his claw hand?
6.In Brave Fencer Musashi what is the Allucaneet Palace's butler's name?
7.In Metal Gear Solid what is Solid Snake's real first name?
8.In Resident Evil:Directors Cut what are the last 2 words in the keeper's diary?
9.In Final Fantasy 3 what is Shadow's real first name?
10.In Metal Gear Solid what is the name for the new Metal Gear prototype?

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