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The Sims Party

Mike watching T.V.

Lighting a fire.

Mike metting new people. Her name is Laura.

Looking for a job.

Mikes friends.

First night mike moves and meets more friends and has a cookout.

Mike dancing with his friend.

The next morning Laura comes over and brings a present for mike.

They Hug.

Mike giving her a gift.

Likes gift.

Mike giving her a backrub.

They start liking each other and start kissing.

After the kiss mike goes in to call his friends to make a party.

Getting ready for party.

Cooking burgers for the party.

Friends come over and have a cookout.

They go in and start dancing.

Dancing and Kissing.

Cop comes over to calm down the party.

Every 1 leaving after the cop tells them to calm down the party.

Laura stays for a while.

Goodnight kiss.

Kept kissing.

And kissing...

Saying goodbye.

1 hour after the party.

Changing to pj's to go to sleep.

The End.

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