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Update Archives

Ever wonder where something came from? When did that get put up? When was that redesigned? Well, here's your answer! This Archive dates back to August 8th, 1999, so if it was done after that point in time, it'll be up here!


Note: Just because I don't put the update I made on the list below doesn't mean I didn't update. The only time I list it is when it's something fairly big so I don't take up a lot of space.

-Replaced Counter where it left off (BeSeen went crazy)
-Changed MENU and HEADER colors [Yesterday]
-Added New Main Image

-Updated Links Page (2 new links!)
-Finally fixed The Galaxy Terminal
-New Main Picture and Picture Galleries Coming Soon..!

6.12.2000 Part II
-Fixed up Update Archives
-Added previous news and updates to the Archives
-Fixed up Main Page
-Added NEWS on Site Awards
-Added TWO new link to Links Section
-Updated Site Awards Section
-Happy Birthday Derek!

-Added Pictures Section!
-Power Rangers Pictures [48]
-My Amy Jo Johnson Encounter [10]
-Miscelleous Amy Jo Pictures [10]
-Sent previous updates to the update archive (will be put up there in a few hours)

-=May 20th, 2000=-
-Closed Movies Section due to Bandwidth Problems

-=May 14th, 2000=-
-Pictures Section coming VERY soon
-Fixed Link to this page (Angelfire WebShell Problem)

-=April 30th, 2000=-
-Even More MAJOR News! (It's old but I just found out!)

-=April 29th, 2000=-
-Revamped Galaxy Terminal
-NEWS, see below
-Also see MAJOR News, below the News (Sorry about the word choice, hehe)

-=March 10th-11th, 2000=-
-Cleared out some space (Over 2,000,000 Bytes Worth)
-Re-Opened Sounds & Music Section, Movies & More will re-open tomorrow night
-Sent February Updates to Update Archive
-Updated Amy Jo Johnson Facts
-Updated Memorial Section
-Updated Fan Art Section
-Big Updates to Links Section
-Took down Valerie Vernon Section (Luckily, she fully recovered..!)
-Added 4 NEW Fan Art Pictures
-"Movies & More" back online (Had to take down full
episodes for legal reasons)

-=March 4th, 2000=-
-Reformatted "My Stories Section"
-Added "The Day I Met Amy Jo Johnson" w/ pictures!

-=February 22nd, 2000=-
-Added StarPages 3-Star Award to Awards Section
-See News below regarding Updates

-=February 10th, 2000=-
-Big Update to GuestBook (Finally found the editor again:)
-Won "Most E-Mailer of 2000" Award from StarPoints (
-2 Days till 8 Month Anniversary!
-Big Updates Coming (New interview, and my story of my AJJ Encounter, which affects the Memorial Dedication..!)

-=February 4th, 2000=-
-One Lifetime Goal Accomplished (Met Amy Jo Johnson!)

-=February 3rd, 2000=-
-Counter Reaches 33,400
-9 more days until our 8th Anniversary!
-Changed Color Scheme
-Added New Title Image
-Modified Galaxy Terminal

-=February 2nd, 2000=-
-Changed All Backgrounds to match MAIN PAGE and Frames
-Sent the January Updates to the Update Archives
-Exciting News (See Below)!

-=January 28th, 2000=-
-Updated Awards Section
-Added two new Awards (Galaxy Power Award and Award)
-Changed "Awards" Section to "Awards & Recognitions"
-Added "TrailBlazers!" from JUMP! to Interviews Section

-=January 24, 2000=-
-Updated Interviews and Articles Section (Read News Below)

-=January 22, 2000=-
-Need Feedback on Movies Section!!
-Updated Interviews and Articles Section (New Interview from Jan., 2000)
-Re-Converted Color Scheme Back to Pink
-More Updates Later Tonight!

-=January 21, 2000=-
-Updated Voting Area (Please Stop By!)
-Experimenting with Colors of Site, Don't be surprised if the colors are constantly different..!

-=January 13th, 2000=-
-Expanded Fixed Background to minor frames, look for the rest of the sub-pages to follow

-=January 12th, 2000
-7 Month Anniversary, as Counter reaches 29,000! Thanks guys!
-General Maintenance (Fixed Broken Links, etc.)

-=January 8th, 2000=-
-Grand Opening of the Movies & More Section!
-Opened Update Archive
-Moved Introduction on Main Page to "My Story" Section!
-Four days until our 7 Month Anniversary!
-ReDesign of MAIN PAGE Completed!

-=January 7th, 2000=-
-Updates Awards Section, 2 New Awards (E!Online and StarPages)
-Amy Jo Johnson Music Video coming tonight or tomorrow, along with Movies Section!

-=January 1st, 2000=-
-First AJJ Site to update this Millennium!
-Cleaned Out the Voting Area
-Changed some colors and effects of the site
-Continued working on movies section (Coming Soon)
-Movie of Perfect Body - Coming Soon

Last Updated: Monday December 20th, 1999

December 20th, 1999
-Decorated the Site for the Holidays
-Put the Galaxy Terminal System into effect

November 26th, 1999
-Added the all-new LYRICS section, containing already two lyrics

November 19th, 1999
-Added 3 New Articles to the Articles Section (MXG, USA Today, and Entertainment Weekly)

November 15th, 1999
-Added New Chat Transcript (Seventeen)
-Added New Articles (Blithe Spirit, TrailBlazers, and YOU)

November 12th, 1999
-Added a New Chat Traanscript from AOL Live

November 3rd, 1999
-Fixed page (See NEWS at bottom)
-Reformatted page to be accessable by slower browsers.
-Pop Up Window added (See NEWS at bottom)

October 16th, 1999
-Added Award Section. Yep, we now have an award.

October 13th, 1999
-Awarded "Lost Galaxy Award of Power", from the Quasar Dimension (See AWARDS)
-Updated link section, converting it to text only links.
-Added 4 more Sounds (See SOUNDS & MUSIC)

October 8th, 1999
-Received Prominence Gold Medal Award from LightSpeed to the Rescue
-Added the Sounds & Music Section. It currently contains 10 sounds/wavs, plus 2 songs by Amy Jo.

October 6th, 1999
-Gave page a HUGE facelift!
-Former "The Unofficial Pink Ranger Shrine" became "The Amy Jo Johnson Galaxy"!
-Message Board added

September 8th, 1999
-Added Star Pages "One Star Award" to the Awards Section. This means that this site received over 100 votes for the Star Pages Network. Thanks, and please keep voting!

September 4th, 1999
-Added an All New Kat Bash!
-Won "The 'Let's Rocket!' Readiness Award" (From Citadel of Power)
-Won "The Monkey Slapping Award" (From Derek)
-Won "The Lights of Orion Award of Power" (From Citadel of Power)
-Figured out how to use Print Shop Pro. Made graphics for the Kimberly Hart, Amy Jo Johnson, Kat Bash '99, and News and Updates Sections

August 28th, 1999
-Updated Interviews Section
-Added Article from the Horoscope Section of a 1995 Issue of Teen Beat

August 23rd, 1999
-Updated Interviews Section
-Added "Fast Track" Article from Chicago Tribune Magazine, on May 30th, 1999 to the Written Interviews Section
-Updated Amy Jo Johnson Facts Section
-I have Three More Written Interviews on the way.

August 22nd, 1999
-Site was added to the Yahoo! Search Engine
-Construction on the Valerie VS Leukemia WebRing was begun

August 16th, 1999
-ReConstructed News and Updates Page
-Added Scrolling Marquee Message on Main Page
-I'm considering switching to Frames

August 13th, 1999
-Submitted Site to the Power Rangers WebRing
-Submitted Site to Felicity Fanatics WebRing
-Site was added to the Amy Jo Johnson Online WebRing

August 10th, 1999
-Added the July 6th Doritos '99 Live/SonicNet Chat Transcript

August 8th, 1999
-Added 6 News Coins and 5 news sections to the site
-5 New Sections: "Fan Art", "Film Credits", "Written Interviews", and "Contact Amy Jo"
-6 New Coins: "Fan Art", "Film Credits", "Written Interviews", "Contact Amy Jo", and "Home"


April 30th, 2000: Well, this was major news a year ago, but for those of you who didn't know, Amy Jo Johnson was one of the hosts at Woodstock '99.

April 29th, 2000: Hey Everyone! I'm SO sorry I haven't updated the page lately! There is a good reason though. I am working very hard on two new versions of the site - one with no frames, and then a set of pages that are NetScape Compatible so that EVERYONE will be able to hang out here! Coming soon will be the Pictures Section. I know I've been promising them forever and ever, but I really am working on them. My main project lately has been my newest site, [[Lance Bass ONLINE]], a site dedicated to 'NSync's James Lance Bass. I'm working towards promoting that site to the success I've had with this one. Again, I promise the new sites, the Pictures Section, and some new articles and interviews will be up within two months!

February 22nd, 2000: I'm sorry for the recent lack of updates. I have a few things I can update, and I will try to do so in the next week or so. I've been extremely busy on my newest website, Alison MacInnis NET. Please excuse me from the recent site inactivity. I am in my lunch period at school right now, and I'll fix up the Memorial Section. I will soon add pictures to that section. Also, my Encounter With Amy Jo Johnson story is almost finished, and I hope you're looking forward to it. I hope to hear what you think about it. One final thing...Can I get some mail, please?! LoL, sorry, I just like getting mail. I get mail on my main screen name, but I like reading site mail from the visitors. Anyways, Later!

February 3rd, 2000: I did it! I won tickets to see Amy Jo Johnson in person tomorrow night at a Coffee House in Chicago! I will be able to take Polaroids with her and get her autograph. I will even give her the URL of this WebSite, and a print out of the main page! What better way to celebrate our almost EIGHT MONTHS of being open (February 12th)? Anyways, I hope to scan whatever I get and tell you of my adventure this weekend, which will show up in the "My Story" Section! Stay tuned in for more details!

Angelfire, the server I moved to this site to, because it was Ad-Free, has made it mandatory for every single site registered to advertise them. This change went into effect November 1st, and it severely screwed up the page, for those of you who visited that day. I had to practically recode everything, and when I did, I still had a problem with the drop-down header. I had to change it to a regular header. Sorry. I'm also working on a section where it will have individual profiles for each of Amy Jo's characters. Again, please e-mail me if you are having any difficulties!