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Jimmy's Backyard Brawlin

my name is Jimmy. Some people call me Boo (k only Jon does) and I am the Big Gotlibowski. Other wrestlers can be looked up and everything under the MWHB web page. I am the best wrestler too. Grant thinks so too.No one is better than the Big Got. Ill tell you a little about myself. I was born in a quaint town somewhere in Kane County. I lived in Roselle Illinois for a little bit before I moved to the great town of Dundee where i have joined the MWHB. I am the greatest therefore the name Big before Got. But I met George (Hard-Ass Lobb) and i soon became friends with Dustin (Dusty Boy) and Jon (Elephant Man). I was then invited to come visit a taping of the MWHB. I then went and interfered with a match and now am a contender for the lightweight title. If u want to come see a match please contact me via e-mail. My address is at the bottom of the page. Also if u want to buy a tape e-mail me. Hurry before all the tapes are gone. And yes there are reasons why I am the best and toughest wrestler of everyone. Because I was pushed and pushed to do my best at everything and also I was beaten with my own bloody shoes and I was beaten up by five people alot. They all took turns until one day I got super mad and shot one kid in the leg and beat one kid to death with 5 brown M&M's. But oh well. I was only given 6 months in juvenile but if u make fun of me i might be tried as an adult. You got something to say now? thought not. Well contact me and Ill write you back. Thanks and check ya lata. Bye bye for you all. this is a new pic of me.

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Jimmy's Backyard Brawlin
Who should be the TV Title holder?
Big Got Elephant Man LSD HPN
Current Results
Oh and one more thing Steve Null or HPN has sex with more then 1 monkey at a time. he gives it to them up the rear and has sex with tony Dan Richmond screws his billy goats and his cow

Da Big Backyard Brawler

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MWHB web page
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