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Here, I am going to give my opinion about fights against different game companies and interesting matchups. As well, I will add some commentary by Iori about what he thinks of different fighters...who knows? maybe there'll be a cameo here and there eh? Oh yeah,all names and characters portrayed here are copyrighted by their respective owners.

  • Kyo vs. Ryu - Ryu has stronger moves, and is a more patient fighter, but hell, Kyo's got fire. It'd be interesting to see who would win this one.
  • Ken vs. Iori - I think Iori would take this one. If Ken pissed him off enough, then it's Orochi time and Ken would be torn in half...sorry y'all~ =D
  • Chun-li vs. Mai - Unfortunately, I would have to say Chun Li would beat the snot out of the Shiranui ninja. Mai has fans, but Chun Li's got thunder thighs.
  • Ryo vs. Dan Hibiki - Uhm...let's think about this one.
  • Robert vs. Guile - Guile has really strong moves, but he's too damn slow. Robert could easily dodge around Guile's techniques and pummel him from all around.
  • Leona vs. Cammy - Two military women. But hands down, Leona would beat the hell out of Cammy. Advantage? Orochi power as well as a really really cool finisher as opposed to some wussy two techniques mixed into one as a finisher like the little blonde girl
  • Shingo vs. Sakura - why would these two fight? I think they would make a great =P
  • M. Bison (Vega to non-US gamers) vs. Orochi - No contest, Orochi would wipe up the floor with the Street Fighter's boss. Sure, he's got the 'psycho crusher', but Orochi can like, call down the heavens and get medieval on your buttocks
  • Fei Long vs. Kim Kaphwan - battle of the annoying voices. If it were Bruce Lee vs. Kim, then I would say no contest Bruce Lee, but Fei Long's just not too strong a fighter. He's actually kinda weak compared to others. Kim would beat him silly with his kicks.
  • E. Honda vs. Chang Koehan - WOW...E Honda would probably squeeze the snot outta Chang before Chang could beat him up with that silly metal ball he's always carrying around.
  • Sagat vs. Joe Higashi - Sagat would kill Joe before Joe could start running off his mouth. Seriously...think about it!

    SNK vs. Virtua Fighters

  • Akira vs. Kyo : Advantage to Akira. He's got some three hit combo that'll kill you, almost. Kyo has a good variety of moves, but three hits? game over
  • Kage vs. Eiji : Close call, but I'll have to go with Eiji on this one. Kage has some kick butt grappling techniques, especially that throw where he runs up your body, then lands on you. *ow* but Eiji can just keep him away with his projectiles.
  • Pai vs. Athena : Hmm...Pai has a really nice scissor kick, but Athena's got that really annoying voice. Besides, isn't Athena supposed to be a greek goddess? If not, then she's named after one and that's enough for me
  • Iori vs. Jacky : Iori, hands down. Three words, Riot of Blood
  • Sara vs. King : Sara would win this one. King has really strong moves with her legs, but Sara has that irritating flip kick that seems to hit you no matter how far away you are.

    SNK vs. Namco/Tekken 3

  • Hwoarang vs. Kim Kaphwan : Hwoarang wins. Kim may have an absurdly high pitched voice, but Hwoarang has some kick butt kicking techniques. Seems like one person practices Tae Kwon Do a bit more that Kim eh?
  • Lei Wu Long vs. Chin Gentsai : one hand, Lei has the art of snake, crane, and panther, while the other guy uses a simple drunken style fighting. I'll stick with Chin cuz he's smaller, and he makes you drink whatever he's got in that little bottle
  • Julia vs. Leona : Julia's a child prodigy of her mother, I forget her name. Leona's a prodigy of Heidern. advantage, Leona cuz she has a really cool finisher and one word. Orochi
  • Kuma vs. Chang Koe Han : A bear against a guy who's as big as a bear. Advantage, Kuma cuz he can bite you.
  • Jin vs. Kyo : Advantage...Jin. He has combos that'll put u to shame. Besides, Kyo's a wuss
  • Lin Xiao Yu vs. Athena : Athena would knock Xiao Yu on her prissy little...butt. =P. Xiao Yu is too weak, her combos are cool, but they're not too strong, she's fast, but Athena can teleport
  • Forest Law vs. Sie Kensou : Kensou would take a hell of a beating, but he would still win cuz he's got one thing that Law doesn't...Steamed pork bun power!
  • Heihachi vs. Iori Yagami : one word, Orochi. (gosh that seems to come up a lot)
  • Ralf Jones vs. Paul : Paul would beat the tar out of Ralf. Ralf may have some funked up moves, but Paul's got a ont hit punch that'll knock yer butt to the ground to stay.
  • Eddy vs. Terry : There's absolutely no relation to these two, but I think Terry would mega geyser the crap outta Eddy after getting annoyed with Eddy's breakdancing and cheap moves
  • Gon vs. Yuri : I think Yuri would be too obsessed about how cute Gon is to want to even fight him
  • Dr. B vs. Choi Bounge : Dr. B would eventually win cuz Choi's moves are somewhat predictable. Choi would never have a chance to hit this guy on the ground...he'd be too drunk to know Choi was even trying to hit him.
  • Anna vs. Mature : Mature. Anna's got some irritatingly good moves, but Mature can slam her into the wall with that skull thingy.