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Unfair Curfew

Curfew was originaly brought about to stop "uncontrollable" teen-age crimes. Between 1985-1995 the juviniale crime rate when up 165% due to the introduction of crack cocaine, but has steadily decreased. In New York were there is no curfew crime went down 30%(1993-1995). While in New Orleans which as the toughest curfew crime went down 27%.(1993-1995). The New Orleans Police Department would like to think that it was because of curfew, but many other factors such as weather can also be thanked. It doesn't matter if it is 100% effective, the bottom line is that curfew is imprisonment without justification, a violation of our civil rights, and isn't a proper solution to the problem. You may be asking yourself, what can I do about it? There are many things we can do together. Such as petitioning Aurora and Naperville's city council. Writing letters to our congressman. And my favorite, protesting. If you think this is a cause worth fighting for then mail me with any ideas you have. We have the power, all we need to do is organize!
