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Surgery day and the first few days after

Bob Gilberson

The Day of surgery for my trache i was anxious to get it over with and to start feeling better. Dianne and i drove to the hospital and talked a little on the way. we arrived at the hospital and got everything ready and got me preped for my surgery. About 2 hours later my wife walks in to my ICU room with a timid smile and concern in her eyes. the operation was done and it was time to accept this thing in my body. the trache tube they used is called a Montogomery Cannula. Its commonly used for sleep apnea pacients. THE FIRST FEW HOURS............. After seeing my wife i felt somewhat at ease but i hurt. let me tell U I hurt Bad. I dont want to scare anyone but the headache was horrid. the Nurses gave me some pain meds and i slept sound. first time in years. when i awoke i felt ok but the headache lingered. By later that evening they brought me some soup and sherbert. trust me its hard to swallow after this so dont be alarmed if it hapenes to you. i ater took more pain meds and slept more. The next morning they brought more food that hurt to swallow and the headache still lingered. I ate and they let me come home. this is where the fun started!! Upon arriving at home I sat in my favorite recliner and and just sat there. within a few hours my shoulders hurt, my neck hurt, and Oh the headache!! Of course this is all comon. Its now 5 days out of surgery and Yes i still have the headache. I have to clean my trache at least 4 to 5 times a day if not more. ( more info to folow) my eating is getting a little better but it still hurts from time to time