December's Survey Results

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Thanks to everyone who filled out the survey!
Do You Think Jessica and Will Make a Good Couple?
60% Say YES!

Jenna JD~ "Yes - but only because of the way she feels around him. He's still a jerk for what he did to her."

Caitlin M "No. Will was too much of a jerk for them to ever make a good couple."

Samantha Carter"I think that Jessica and Will would make a good couple as long as they both can put everything in the past behind them."
39% say NO!

Denise "Nope, I think that Jess should be with Jeremy - but she obviously doesn't like him so if she really likes Will that much she should be with him, i guess."

Sam "NO WAY. why would jess be w/someone who hurt her like that?"

1% were UNSURE!

Sara "I don't know. Will and Jessica have chemsitry but Jeremy is so sweet!"
Now that Angel is gone how do you think Tia will change?
25% said NO

Elle "I don't think Tia will change much. She might worry about her relationship with Angel but she knows he loves her."

Haley "I don't think she will really change but I know that she will be very sad."
70% Yes!

Sarah Collist "I think that Tia's behavior and attitude will change. She'll probably be down, silent, quiet, depressed. Not happy. I mean, I wouldn't be happy either if I lost somebody that I loved"

Julie Knox I think Tia will start to get a little more wild and I think they will break up in #14, Split Decision."

5% were Unsure
Is Conner right in his anger towards Gary?
90% of you said YES!

Krissy "Of course! Gary is a lying backstabber."

Christine Sewell "Totally! Gary is self centered and obnoxious! Especially about the whole Alicia thing."

Danielle Foler"Yes he had no right entering meghan's life again and bring another woman too!

People who said No didn't comment!

What do you think Melissa will do when she finds out Will and Jessica are dating? ?
A Lot of thoughts on this...

Sara Campell "Melissa knows something's up. She's seen Will talking to Jess and the rumours are flying all over the place. The one thing she isn't is stupid. From her journal entries it seems that she's just going to bide her time. she knows that acting out against Jessica was what turned Will against her. She won't make the same mistake twice. And, judging from the cover of 'Nothing Lasts Forever', she's somewhat successful, even if it doesn't work out in the end."

Tiffany "she'll do what ever it'll take to keep them from dating."

Tammi "Freak out at first and then she'll probably chill."

Lily Dey"Oh god. I don't even want to think about it...the diary entries she has about getting Will back are scary enough!"

Eve Marie "I think she will do as if nothing happen at first but after, she will surely do everything to separate them..."

Gillain"I don't know but I hope it's good. Will deserves to get punched and slapped a couple of times by Melissa."<---LOL
What did you think when Tia wanted to have sex with Angel?
You guys had a lot of opions on this!

Amanda Harrison "I thought that it was a very realistic storyline because alot of girls do that when their boyfriends and them are seperated. It's not the answer however, if the guy really cares, he'll stay not stray."

Katie "I was surprised cause Tia never came off as that kind of person."

Caitlin M "I thought she was just trying to hang on to Angel and make sure he didn't stray from her at college. But I also thought it might not have been such a bad thing to give him a "goodbye present" before he left"

Katie"No offense, but that did not need to be in that story! Having sex when you're a teenager can be pretty dangerous these days......"

Tina "i thought they were already were having sex!!!! they've been together for 3 years dammit!

Satomi Fujikawa"That she's really hopeless and that she needs to get a life. She needs to understand that Angel isn't everything, and that she has to get real."
Do you think Conner's mother will change now that she is in rehab?
More of YOUR Thoughts!

Bernadette Bautista "She can only change if she wants to. Alcoholism can't be completely beaten. It's a disease that can be controlled."

Samantha Carter "I think that Conner's mother will change as much as she can now that she is in rehab. I think that she thinks that she could do better with her kids, and she'll strive to be better."
Are Jessica and Jeremey over for good now?

68% said Yes!

32% said No!
Who should be my best site of 1999

An astounding 85% chose Lily of The SVHSY site
Why do you read Senior Year?

Here are your thoughts!

Noelle Crawford "It's a great series and I really want Liz and Conner back together"

Jaime Mibbs "My friend got me into the series, I haven't been able to stop reading them since. It's just a good series, well written and entertaining."

Teresa Cairo "I've been a faithful fan of Sweet Valley for years. I also thoroughly enjoy the series."
