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Work In Progress

Come back later! Under MAJOR construction.... I'm trying to upload all the mp3's onto a server... should be done soon if it works.. (when I get my network up and running). Also, My page is getting a makeover, hasnt been touched in over 2 years. :) Give me a few weeks (3-4) to get something started on here. Thanks! Last updated on 7/23/02 @ 3:56 p.m. Kristin

"Sometimes it feels like everyone is against you. Sometimes it feels like the world doesn't care. But what you've got to do is you've got to get up. You've got to find your heart, you've got to find your soul, you've got to find those strengths inside yourself that make you take on the day. That makes you take on the world and that makes you appreciate what goes on around you. That makes you glad to be ALIVE." -- Fred LeBlanc, Cowboy Mouth

Trying to fix or change something, only guarantees and perpetuates its existence.

My picture page

My Other Pics Page

My Dad's Page

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!
