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All the Other Poems

My Grandfather
I was so young when He took you away,
But I remember it as if it were yesterday.
He took you just months before the war,
I guess He decided you were ready to soar.
You never knew that the war called for your son,
My father went to that war. He fought for you and won.
I know you wrapped him in your protective arm,
To keep him from all of war's harm.
You made sure he safely made it home,
So all of us wouldn't have to be alone.
You left this world to protect him,
It was your way of saying, "I love you Jim"
So for protecting my father during the war,
I give you all, I wish it was more.
Although six years have passed,
Our love and memory of you will always last.
Jessi Beavers

Dedicated to my Grandfather, Edward Theodore Beavers.

Born: April 12, 1929

Died: June 16, 1990

More Poems

I Want To Go Home
Ode to the Military
I Am
Ode to a Fool
Freedom of the Sun
Another Page
Set Me Free