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Reptiles may not seem like a strong part of agriculture, but they are. They are an important part of the natural food chain and help control rodent and insect pests. They are also becoming a very large part of the pet industry. People who keep reptiles help agriculture by breeding species in captivity, producing anti-venom for snakebite victims, removing unwanted wild reptiles from houses and farms, and teaching people about reptiles.

I am the DeKalb chapter FFA reporter and my reptiles are a big part of my FFA experience. FFA members keep record books on a project of their choice. I picked small animal production and care and keep records on my reptiles. Being in FFA has helped me to have more pride in my herpetoculture hobby, learn and practice leadership skills,and the importance of keeping accurate records.

In FFA you also get to meet new people and try new things (like identify crops and weeds, judge dairy products, or do public speaking). I even got to show my reptiles in a local fair and won ribbons for them, something most reptile owners do not get the chance to do!

So check out the FFA. It is not only for farmers, it is for America's youth!

*FFA Webpage*