The Story Of Success

The Story Of Success

A long time ago, in a city far away (sounds like a fairy tale =)..well, Chicago's practically in my backyard. Anyway, a long time ago in 1988 (that's a long time fo rme in my short life!), the band we've come to know and love, Smashing Pumpkins, made their first appearance as a duo with a drum machine in Track, a Polish bar in Chicago. That night was the beginning (is the end is the, just joking)of one of the best bands to ever hit the musical world. It's been a long journey and quite an eventful one.

The Pumpkins are a home-grown Chicago band. I'm so proud to be from there. Anyway, Billy was born in Chicago, blah, blah, read about their personal lives here. So Billy started out in a band called The Marked 'cause of his birthmark on his right hand. I do believe someone else had a birthmark, too. They were a goth band, which could explain Billy's need to wear black clothes everywhere he goes. Since Chicago had plenty of goth bands, they moved to Florida. Like all those old retired people are going to be gloomy. They're happy as hell to be tanning, so, like they were destined to do, the band failed in '86. Billy "shaved my eyebrows" aneorexic looking Corgan came back to Chicago. He seemed very dedicated 'cause in a situation of hopelessness, he still wanted a band. Somewhere along the line, Billy met James Iha, who was 18 at the time. James and Billy weren't the best of friends, but musically, they really grooved together. Both loved Ozzy and Black Sabbath. Four weeks later, James left Billy to return to HIS band, Snake Train. Maybe it was a trend or something to fail, 'cause Snake Train was "off track" *hahaha* a month later. So James and Billy became their own band. They eventually played that night at Track, which was to be one of many.

Personally, I think Billy's attraction to D'Arcy is just what brought it all together. First of many words: "You're full of shit." Yes, Billy, that's the way to good friendships. I should try it. Obviously, it worked, 'cause Billy asked D'Arcy to be the bassist. Of course, like the current trend, she was in a band. However, being a woman, she saw oppourtunity with Billy and James, and left her band. This is one of many times a woman is the smarter one. Thanx D'Arcy. Anyway, the three of them practiced with a drum machine. This one book I read kept saying that they were "embryonic". Every other damn world. They're not babies!!! Grrrr... Sorry. So they became The Smashing Pumpkins. No, it's not an evil Halloween gag. There are many theories behind the name. I'm believing the one that Billy liked the fact that "smashing" can mean two different things (there's a word for that kind of word...anyone?) and Pumpkins was just the vegtable of choice.

Oh yeah, music...They made a demo that was good. Yeah, they probably just say that now. Well, they played their first live show as a threesome at the Avalon for 50 people!!! Wow-ee! So the guy that owns the Metro (kewl place) said they were cool and offered them an opening slot for Jane's Addiction, which is pretty danm good for what would be their 4th show. Someone along the line recommended Jimmy Chamberlin, the older one at 21. Jimmy, Mr. Expert, saw them struggle with him. Too slow or something. But he agreed to join anyway. So the four of them were ready. Jimmy played at the Jane's show. How conveniant fo rhim to coma along then. Lotsa people liked them, except the local bands. Some thought they were selling out and were outsiders 'cause they didn't fit in with the current scene of goth & whatever else, but they did they care? Billy actually saw this as a good thing, the optimist that he is *ha*! Now they were getting good. Jimmy was an excellent drummer, current lovebirds James and D'Arcy looked "distant yet beautiful" but, sort of as it's always been, Billy, with his passionate, whining voice who played his guitar "with passion", received the spotlight. Now, with this goth thing. They were sort of dark in the beginning, but eventually they went on their own journey for the unique Pumpkin sound.

Come back to the start
