C O T E ' S K R A A L : Matt's Africa Page
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follow Matt, Nicole and P.J's adventures through 8 African countries. Learn selected topics of Matt's interest about the cultural anthropology, history, and modern life in these countries today. And last but not least- animals! come on, there's pictures...
where do ya wanna go first?

    Some friends we met along the road north (pictures)
    The !KungSan (Bushmen) of the Kalahari (text)
    The Life and Times of a Dead Buffalo in Africa (pictures)
    Chobe at Night (pictures)
    Cheeky Monkey (picture)
    "They taste like chicken!" -Chicken Licken Style (picture)

    The Economics of the African Slave Trade (text)
    Things they sold along the side of he road (pictures)
    General History of Ghana (text)

    Genersl Statistics (text)

    Etosha Pan (description and picture)
    Etosha Pan (ecological make-up of sediment)
    "Don't get out of your car!" (picture)
    Sossusvlei (Namib Desert dunes) (decription and pictures)
    Alleopathy action: A flower amid Sossusvlei (picture)
    Itsy-Bitsy Spider Crawled up the Wheelchair... (picture)

    Shaka (text)
    Next Jerry Springer; "Invasion of the Baboons!" (pictures)
    Some pictures from Cape Town (pictures)
    Natal Game Reserves (desriptions and pictures)
    Elephants of Krueger (pictures)
    "Where's Waldo?" (the giraffe) (picture)

    What Swaziland does to a wheelchair (picure)
    A Swazi-stay testamonial (text)

    Victoria Falls (description and pictures)

    The Great Zimbabwe Empire (text and picture)

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    Email: Matt or Nicole/P.J.