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Second Chances

(This story takes place in Bayou Dagar after Billie has just miscarried her daughter with Bo. She is in the cabin grieving alone and Roman has just shown up to find out where she has disappeared to.)

"Excuse me," Roman asks coming out of his car.

"Whatta you want yank?" Wayne asks exchanging glances with his brother Earl.

"I was wondering if you could help me find a woman........" Roman begins to explain.

"We ain't seen no one 'round these parts." Wayne cuts him off quickly.

"Yeah, no one has been 'round here in months." Earl adds eyeing his shotgun.

"You don't understand." Roman begins seriously. "The woman that I'm looking for is pregnant and I was informed that she is running around here alone."

"We ain't seen no one." Wayne repeats standing straighter. "Now I suggest that you leave here right now."

"Oh my baby girl." Billie sobs holding her dead child closer to her. "How could I have lost you? I love you so much."

"How are you doing sweetie?" Earline asked walking back into the small room.

"My innocent little girl." Bille cried holding the child tighter. "This wasn't supposed to happen."

"Sometimes God does things that we just don't understand." Earline explained wishing that she could ease Billie's pain.

"My baby girl didn't do anything to deserve this." Billie sobbed. "This is so unfair."

"Billie........" Earline trailed off hearing a commotion outside of the small cabin. "I'll be back."

"Oh Georgia," Billie began looking at her daughter's lifeless face, "Bo would've been so proud to know that he had a daughter. How wonderful our lives would've been........."

"Look man, I'm going to give you two seconds to get off our property before I blow your head off." Wayne insisted aiming his shotgun at Roman. "Do you hear me?"

"What is going on out here?" Earline asked coming out to see her son screaming at the new stranger to their home.

"I'm getting rid of this Yank trash." Wayne explained to her. "He wants to start snooping around our property."

"That is no way to treat strangers Wayne." she replied taking the shotgun from her son's hand as she faced Roman. "You'll have to excuse him. He's not used to company around these parts."

"That's quite alright." Roman breathed trying to relax. "I'm here because I'm looking for a woman. Maybe you can help me?"

"A woman?" Earline questioned wondering who Roman was.

"Yes, she's very beautiful..........dark hair, about five-five and she's pregnant." Roman informed her as his worry about Billie grew. "I heard that she came out here alone to search the bayou and I'm worried about her."

"Are you her husband?" Earl asked wondering why this man wanted to see the woman inside.

"No, I'm her brother in law." Roman explained looking back at Earline. "And it's important that I find her. If anything happens to her or her child, then I could never forgive myself for not keeping her from coming out here to look for my brother."

"We haven't seen anyone around these parts." Earline announced watching Roman's face grow saddened.

"Thank you anyways." Roman said dissappointed as he headed back towards his car. "If you see her, her name is Billie and if you could, please tell her that Roman is very worried about her and that the sooner that she could come back to me, the better."

"You love her very much don't you?" Earline questioned taking a good look at Roman.

"More than you know." Roman responded thinking about how much he had grown to care about Billie.

"You know," Earline called out as Roman opened his car door, "this is against my better judgement.........."

"Mom!" Earl snapped at her.

"Yes?" Roman questioned spinning around to look at her.

"Billie is inside the cabin," Earline continued on taking note of the relieved look on Roman's face as he started to race towards the cabin before she stopped him, "but there's something that you should know."

"Is she alright?" Roman questioned worried about Billie.

"She's fine, but she lost the baby." Earline explained with tears in her eyes.

"No........" Roman trailed off feeling as if he had been hit in the chest.

"Oh God, how am I ever going to find the strength to get through this?" Billie cried feeling as if her heart had been ripped out of her chest as she set her child down in. "My baby didn't deserve to die like this. How am I going to make it through this alone?"

"You're not alone Billie." Roman called out entering the small room. "I'm here with you."

"Roman," she cried out as he rushed over to hold her in his arms, "my baby....."

"It's okay Billie. We're going to get through this." Roman whispered holding her tighter as she collapsed against him. "I promise you that I'll never let you go through anything alone again."

To Be Continued.....
