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To start off, my name is Amita . You might think, well, that's "unique," and that's exactly what it means. It originates from India...and now I'm sure you can figure out where I'm from.

So what else can I say about myself? I recently purchase my first home (condo), and I'm pretty excited about the whole decorating bit. Unfortunately since it's new construction, the developers are estimating a Feb 2003 completion. Of course, I'm thinkin' a bit closer to April sounds more feasible. On top of the wait, I have also decided to move back in with the folks (temporarily) until the condo is ready. The choice was pretty easy to make - give up my privacy for 6months and in return I'd be able so save quite a bit of $$$, so yeah..I didn't have to think about it for very long :) Although I've lived in the burbs most of my life...I've always connected with the faster pace city life. I love Chicago.

I like a variety of activies ranging from jogging to being a couch potato. I think I'm pretty active though...I enjoy kayaking & rafting, snow skiing, playing softball, volleyball, working out, and yes...even golf. I've been trying to "connect" with the ball for the past year I currently work in the golf industry, for a National Sports Management company. Outside of work, I enjoy being with my family, good friends, and experiencing different ethnic restaurants. I enjoy going to theand listening to a variety of music. Lately, I've been ck'ing out the local scene - did I mention I have a passion for music? I also have a passion for traveling (quite a few backpacking trips)and have visited many places around the , but there's still a lot I have yet to cover. I'm a animal of course I have a dog named Max and before you guys process that thought of yours into, he's not a yapper... but he's definitely a girly dog. I have joint custody of him with my folks (don't ask). In addition, I have 2 kitties, Homer & Cartmann...and although I haven't had a cat since I was 3yrs old..I must admit, they are definitely characters that I've grown to love.

I luv the Simpsons...actually I think I'm in luv with Homer~ D'OH! :)

I'll be adding a few files of my favorite episodes,and pics of my most recent trip to Europe....
so yeah, this site is still under

Thanks for stopping by!

Music Tastes...

Join the i-squad now!

Now the Visuals...

My folks lookin cool on Halloween '90
a little
taken just before we met the Gavin Rossdale (Bush) here's a more recent one :)
My buddy Max........
Mr. Pink
Mr. Brown
The boys...
Mr. Pink's link
Mr. Brown's link
' fav (and no it's not mine)
The Power To Play!
