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My Poetry and Yours

HELLO! welcome to "My Poetry and Yours" as you scroll thru this page u will find poetry written by myself and any others who have e mailed me their poetry and asked me to post it hope you enjoy the following poetry and should it inspire you to write your own poems feel free to E mail them to me and i will post them as soon as i can all mail will be replied too.

GONE~~> We used to be so happy just you and I We thought of our wedding day and the time untill we die I love you so much I wish you could see Being away from you is always hurting me I wanted you there To help me along and now its happened and now your gone written by DJG

SOMEWHERE~~> Alot has happened Between you and I We know eachother but barely you see you want me there and want you here maybe we will meet....... somewhere

MY LOVE, MY FRIEND?~~> Kisss through the wire Love on the fire I've got you so close yet so far away I want you to hold me and never go away you tell me you love me and will till the end I like you alot, but maybe, only as my best friend you were there when i needed you but you see , im afraid , You'll go away too written by DJG

JUST LET ME GO~~> Hi, its me again the one you left behind your in a mood and being unkind you blew me off and hurt me so if you feel that way then just let me go!!

AS THE LOVE TURNS TO HATE~~> as the love turns to pain the pain turns to hate and someones heart breaks she misses him even though their chances were slim she enters the place where they first met where she just sets and waits to see his face as she waits the pain grows and the tears begin to flow then at last, she hears her past echoing in her mind she looks around with no one to find and cries for the love who passed her by then again the love turns to pain the pain turns to hate and she realises its her heart that breaks (written by DJG )

THAT VERY SPECIAL PLACE~~> in the brightest corner of my heart i have a secret place a place where all my special toughts are bottled up inside the place i put my memories of love and you and me a place i like to visit so very frequently the thoughts that make you seem so near when you are far away the thoughts that help cheer me up each and every day the brightest corner of my heart has just one thing to do store up all my special thoughts of the time i shared with you (written by DJG)

WE~~> we met a summer ago i was in my world,alone i never thought i could love you so i tried, now i do i've liked so many but loved so few but the most important one is you now we've moved apart and trust tugs softly at the heart i hope it wont tear us apart please if you dare trust me- let me show you i care and by the way let me say I...LOVE...YOU!! (written by djg)

GOODBYE FOREVER~~> say goodbye if you will say so long, but only until when?? tomorrow, next week, next year?? that is not long enough -- say goodbye ........ forever!! (written by djg)

THE ENGAGEMENT RING~~> i've got this thing that means not a thing but its very special though with every twinkle and every glow the pain inside grows I look at this and start to cry my love for you I wish I could deny I've got this thing a very special thing it shines and sparkles and reflects the light it makes me remember that special night you told me about this thing that now means not a thing for it was........ our engagement ring

WHAT IS A SWEETHEART~~> A sweetheart is someone special you truely care about some one dear and wonderful you just cant do without A sweetheart is someone who'll laugh and tease with you eachday someone who will sympahtise and kiss your tears away A sweetheart is the one who gave up the stars up above the person who has your heart your life youe love

FORGET~~> Forget his name ,forget his face Forget his kiss, his warm embrace Forget the love that you once knew Remember now he has someone new Forget the love that you once shared Forget the fact that you once cared Forget the time you were together Remember now he's gone forever Forget you cried the whole night long Forget him when they play your song Forget how close you two once were Remember now he has choosen her Forget you memorized his walk Forge the way he used to talk Forget the things he used to say Remember now he has gone away Forget his laugh, forget his grin Forget the dimple on his chin Forget the way he held you tight Remember now he's with her tonight

FOREVER STRONG~~> Our time so little,each dy we share will it bring us closer, if we dare?? Oh how I've longed to be with you eachday to let our hearts mingle, as they may I know you have your ideas and I have mine but we can put them together with just a little time You and I have been together for so long that our hearts have built a love.... forever strong

WHISPERS IN THE WIND~~> we walk together, birds above we whisper our words of true love I never tought I'd be here with you then you said you felt that way too I really know how you feel the whispers in the wind are all so real

UNTITLED~~> Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. The sad thing is, I wish you knew. The Blue hurt the Red, Makes me cry and all I can say, Is "Hello" and "GoodBye." But foget the Red, It's not what I intended, Now I'm stuck with the Blue. All I think about is you, Or friendship is strong, Undying, Our time on-line, our binding. It's not hard, Finding the words to say, I hope everything goes, Your way. (written by Dianne71 & Kathie26)

I'VE GOT TO LET YOU GO~~> Theres something i have to tell you something i better say, I didnt want to tell you this , I didnt want it to end this way , Through all the months we've shared together, sometimes good, sometimes bad, teased eachother off and on , It was the best life one could have. I dont want you to go, atleast not so far away, but I have heard things have to change, But i will miss u any way. I guess what im trying to say is that I love you but I have to let you go .

DECEMBER 27,1988(poem written after my parents divorce......can u tell it really hurt?????) December 27,1988, the day my life ended a new begining for all envolved he walked out and left my mom with a heart to be mended, And now your love for us had decended , to the bottemless pit of forgotten memories never to be remembered. It hurts me to just sit here and watch you go,But I know .......You dont want us any more. While your at it go ahead and leave, if you need me , I may be here even though I know if I need you, you wont be there. Dont worry Dad, I'll always love you, even now.........whenn you dont care!!

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