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Some very special People


Hi again!! The first part of this page is about one person who had "came, saw, and concered." This person is my father, Corky. My dad is a wonderful person. He means the world to me. An before you ask, Yes im a daddy's girl, always have been always will be.

My father is one tuff cookie. he has had sugery for cancer twice and survived , even when the odds were against him.

On November1998, my dad got the news we all have been waiting for. He was told he is now classed cancer free and his doctor told him he dont want to see him again. YEAH!! The best part of this was it was on his birthday. Congrats Dad u beat em again!!!

Recently My father got engaged to a woman named Donna. She is really sweet and im looking foreward to having her as a new member of our family.

Someone else I feel I need to mention is my "Papa Lance". Lance is a great and wonderful person. I just wish he were still in my life. Theres so much to say about this man you would think he's a god, but hes not. He's just one of the most wonderful people I have ever met. Lance, if you are out there somewhere and should find this page, or if any of you who see this know Lance Caine (Stedman) Please tell him I miss him and I will always Love my " Papa Lance". Please contact me and let me know your ok.

I know there isnt much in my pages about my mother. I would like to take this time to talk about her. She was a person who loved with everything she had. She was stubborn, heardheaded but a very loving woman. Sadly Feb.5,2004 My mother lost her life. She was way to young to pass away. she was only 59. she is deeply missed by her children, her grand children and her great grand children. I remember at her funeral my oldest sister Liz said to me " remember Dj She lives on is us. She raised 3 strong girls and she will live forever in our memories" at the time it didnt seem to help but now at least once a day i have a memory and i cherish it all the more now. To all of you who have Lost your parent or someone who was like a parent. My heart goes out to you. I can honestly say I know the feeling. Rest in peace Mom! i never got to say thank you but im hoping you know just how thankful I am for everything you instilled in me. its made me who i am. and you will forever live on in my heart and in the pictures i plan to pass along to my future children.

Another person I would like to mention is new in my life. His name is Jim (aka Metal) We met after I left my Husband and moved to Indiana to restart my life. He is great. He constently tells me how crazy about me he is and how he wants a life with me. Nothing will be serious untill after the divorce. After that Who knows where it will go. Jim is a former law inforcement officer in Indiana, and trained with the United States Navy. Yes girls hes HOT!!!! ha ha ha! As of April 16,2004 Jim and I got married. there is a page of Pix. check em out!!

The next 2 people i am going to mention lost their lives way to early. And I hope they see this and know what they ment to me even though I never got to spend that much time with them. First is my Aunt Denita. She left this world on April 30, 1992.Her husband (who is now gone too) infected her with AIDS. Luckly. if u can say that, she did not suffer long. She was a great person and god love her and bless her soul. The second person is Kelly, Denita's daughter. She was killed in a drive by shooting at the age of 17. She had her whole life ahead of her and some jack@ss took it from her. But she is now with her mother and they will forever rest in peace and live in love. I love you guys!!

About my sisters My oldest sister is Liz, She has given me a wonderful niece, Jennifer and nephew,John, and a pretty cool bother in law John. my sister Liz and i have recently become pretty close and i love her to death. She knows how to party ( but then again dont we all )

My other sister is Patty and there's not much to say about her that i havent allready except she gave me a cool brother in law Tod, a wonderful niece,Kayleigh, and many years of fun I love both my sisters and would give then both the shirt off my back to help should they need it. I love you guys!!!!

My other family members are my brother Wally, his wife Barb and their 4 kids, Kristofer, Cody,Little Wally, and Joey . Im just now starting to get to know Barb and the kids and I love it. It feels wierd to be called Aunt DJ again but im getting used to it. My brother and his wife are being great and opened their home to me to restart my life. Thanks wally and Barb, I love ya's.

My other Brother is Fred. Hes a cool guy and a good big brother. He has given me 3 nephews, and 1 niece. His Ex-wife Pam is pretty cool. we only see her on holidays but we love her all the same. sadly in september of 2004 by brother Fred passed away from heart troubles. He will live foreve in my heart and memories. rest in peace Brother. I love you and you will be deeply missed.

I want to take a min to mention my on line family. they are as follows( and should i leave someone out let me know) JP0719 ( my sweety), KYD28, PJ87 & Tomczyk, DCS-2797 & little fingers (my little lover), Tvll & saint sinner, EKEEKE & Chicken boy(deff), Totalrecal, Kathie26, aggiespice, Oldwiz, jymm, kia98, hughster & his hunny, Rampratski, lynn70 & Jack, slick-chick, corp fly boy, c44mag & Hellz, elena, pooh24, poohhead, blckjck, tat2bob, kastferan, jedi02, Commlord, Koondoggydog, spankedpuppy, Jafit & Prate, noodle, remarc-able, evil1, hellsonlyangel, tiffandmoo, fugitive2001, Froggie & jim ^vette^, ruffian2, webhead-, star-deana, Suziebear, SHOWME, Dethknight, T-ruxpin, syl-lady, ladyinlove, Janie92683 (clueless-janie), Kodiak73 & broncho-girll, karyn001, IOV, MDougherty, Sneeky-angel, Kathy26, trkr, Whitedove(bless her soul), Jdcomedian, Kristy66, DLS, Glodielocks, Websabi, Rastaboy, Coollady, poh & pohsgirl, sagel, Crazy-critter, christy96-99, chelle,Deb-lynn, Catwoman80, Eightbal, Plzbrkmyhrt, Gotpaid_stillbroke, Teq8, teq24, Cherri_babe, Beanz, Snowbunny,Toast24,Gentle_giaint, Leo, Mysteryknight, trucker(chris), I am sure there are many more and I love yas!! U guys are great friends and cyber family and you all mean alot to me.