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Sean Patrick Murphy


I went looking for the Lord
but instead I found my brother
chained in a lightless lake
of fire and stone

Thrust homeward
the galloping treasures
of taunts and half-smirks
and annihilate the lot
with a single derisive snort

My God is a criminal God
who sleeps by day
and sharpens his shiv
on the cot in his cell

Merciful? Omnipresent?
Are You always there,
The principal rapist
in the prison shower

Hang me like a
skinned rabbit
twisting slowly
from the rope
I don't care

There is what is
and what should never be

suffer my abomination
oh, holy worshippers
my heretical seizures

Is this shadow-play?
A rehearsal?
I've forgotten my
fucking lines again--
So, go ahead,
turn me into a
paramecium again
and see if I can
evolve... into what?

I cannot sing or fly like a bird
I cannot hunt or fuck like a lion
I am unimpressive against
a backdrop of elephants and

So, where shall you leave me?
Here, with my words, scribbled and
They are all I have, all I'll
ever have--word without end

Maybe I'll give my words to You,
my absentee Lord,
as a gift--
or maybe I'll have another purge
and burn and erase
all mention of me
in this life

No need to scare me with that pillar of salt
Fuck it--I'll let the pyre
Warm my back
as I light a cigarette
and blow you off for good

Why do I curse at the Father Almighty?
Maybe because I never really left
my adolescence behind when it comes
to You
I pray, I honestly do
And do You listen?
A four month-old Palestinian boy
is killed by Israelis
Rwandans hide near rotting corpses,
knowing the smell will keep their
enemies away...
Do I even have to bother asking

This would all be easier
if you didn't exist--
if we didn't have a notion
of perfection that you give us
We may not go insane
having to live so far
from it

So, the best thing, I think,
You could do is just
Get the fuck out of my life
so that I may aspire
to humbler ambitions
to care for those of us who need it
here and now
skin on skin
blood on blood

Whatsoever weakness I may share
with another there is comfort there
and long forgotten is the noose
around my neck, now left loose

May 12, 2001
Contributor's Note