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Richard Fein

Richard Fein's poetry has appeared in many journals, including Birmingham Poetry Review, Zuzu's Petals, Touchstone, Windsor Review, Maverick, Sonoma Mandala Literary Review, Roanoke Review, El Dorado Poetry Review, Parnassus Literary Review, Half Tones to Jubilee, POEM, The Listening Eye, Sulphur River Literary Review, Small Pond, Kansas Quarterly, Blue Unicorn, Soundings East, The Macguffin, Z Miscellaneous, Orphic Lute, Oregon East, Mississippi Review, ELF: Eclectic Literary Forum, Licking River Review, Musing, Comstock Review, Whiskey Island Review, State Street Review, REED, The Rockford Review, Gulf Stream Magazine, and others. He lives and writes in Brooklyn.

Richard Fein

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