William Mark's Page of Stuff

Pic Courtesy of Nate's Page, which i will put up the link for soon (we can't do it at school)

Still Under Construction!

Ain't he just the greatest?

Will's Stuff

~More coming up on the way as soon as i learn how to do more HTML. Oh yeah my page appear "boring", but its my page andi add whatever i want to it. Now if you want me to put something on the page, then just email or sign the guestbook Oh yeah to the peeps who think this page sucks, i have two words for you.......


figure it out for yourself


If any family members, friends, etc. would like me to post up some stuff on the page, then just send me your images and stuff. Seeing i dont have a scanner, i'll try to put up whatever i can get. Keep in mind no porn or any of that kind of stuff. THanks. THe music automatically loops now, but if you dont like it, then there are controls for it. See ya later, Sweet Sassy Molassy, Holy Schnikies, and Goodbye travelers.

"Come check out the picture section"

"This is some pictures from junior prom(may 5th 2000)"

Heres a little something for anyone to download called "Combo No.5" I just got it in the email and i thought it was hilarious. If you dont like chinese stereo types, dont touch this one, but if you ahve a sense of humor, its for you

Bear with me now im just trying out new stuff.

Heres some links to tide ya over. More are coming on the way, but I Kinda dont have time to do alot of things, so check back. More stuff to add later.