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Izzy Pludwinski has been working as a professional calligrapher since 1980, starting out as a certified scribe (Sofer STaM) and then branching out into calligraphy and design. After professionally freelancing for six years, he expanded his studies by first studying privately for a short while with Lili Wronker and Alice and then by attending Roehampton Institute for two years under the tutelage of Ann Camp, Gaynor Goffe, Gerald Fleuss and Tom Perkins, completing their certificate in Calligraphy & Bookbinding. He has exhibited throughout Israel and has given two one-man shows in London. His work has appeared in Letter Arts Review (thrice being accepted to the "Annual"), The Scribe, (author of article: "The Experience of the Hebrew Scribe", summer 1989) and The Encyclopedia Judaica among other publications. He was the calligrapher of The Jerusalem Hagaddah (illustrated by Yael Hershberg). Izzy has taught Hebrew Calligraphy in Jerusalem for approximately 11 years and set up the Hebrew Calligraphy course at the Spiro Institute in London. In addition he has lectured at Emunah College and has given Hebrew Calligraphy workshops at the Israel Museum.

At present Izzy is teaching Hebrew Calligraphy in an adult educational institution in Jerusalem as well as teaching privately, in addition to keeping up a heavy workload as a freelance calligrapher. His personal work centers arounds the pure calligraphic presentation of (mainly) Jewish texts. He sees as his main calligraphic challenge, the "unsquaring" of the Hebrew script to allow for more expression. In addition to his own work, Izzy works with/for many of the top Judaica artists doing the calligraphy for their illuminations and illustrations. He now also offers a Hebrew Calligraphy Correspondence Course

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